Saturday, July 30, 2005


In a simple statement --- What the fuck? ---- That has been the statement at work for the past 2 months or so. In the recent months most of the new car makers have been posting "Family discounts or you pay what we pay" discounts. No big deal -- what they fail to tell you is that drops the value of your trade in to shit. The new car dealers are full of trades so your trade in is now worth less. iTS SIMPLE FUCKEN MATH FOLKS --sSUPPLY AND DEMAND. If there are more trade in cars on the market they will lose value. ex.. in 2005 you bought a cavalier (stickered for $19k ) for say 17K. (bad deal but people do stupid things) . Now with the family pricing deal you can now buy said car for $13k. Do not expect yours to be worth $15k just because you bought it before the pricing drop. Your Cavilier is now worth wholesale/trade $9000. done. If you dont like it sell it on your own. Oh thats right you can because your fucking upside down on the car by $5000 and you can buy one from me cheeper....... Its been like this week for 2 months. Don't get me wrong. Im still selling cars (better than most ) but I have to wade through more assholes to do so. --- Arrrrg - Just venting folks .......

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Here this will at least bring a smile to your perverted faces..........

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Well I havent posted in a few days because of my dear friend Beer. Been out w/ the boys from work showing them how to drink (lightweights) ans sharing stories of my tainted past...... *wink* Its no so bad some are fun while other make you ask -- how did you live through that... Night all

Monday, July 25, 2005

Just a mask...?

Mexican Wrestling Mask. the mask gives the “enmascarado” (masked man) a free soul to express himself on the ring. the mask is a cultural icon an identity for a Luchador.
It is like having a second skin that gives you special powers.
Lucha libre has a unique Ring tradition. Masks, character identities, and related honor aside, Mexican fighters are traditionally more agile, throw exotic moves that would challenge any circus acrobat, and play the crowds better than anyone.
Lucha libre has several different weight classes, many catered to smaller agile fighters who can start in the Ring in their early to mid teens. size adult.History Mexican Wrestling Faighters (Lucha Libre Mexicana).In the year 1910 the firsts lucha libre enterprises were created and the gladiators were presented in shows like theatres and circuses. In 1924 Vicente del Villar starts the construction of a lucha libre arena calling it Tivoli arena, this was the first specific place to house box and wrestling matches, during the next years new arenas were opened and the lucha libre business grew up rapidly. On September 19 of 1933 Salvador Lutteroth, owner of the Empresa Mexicana de Lucha Libre inaugurated the most representative house of lucha libre, the Arena Mexico also known as the Cathedral of the lucha libre a place to shelter more than eighteen thousand people, an authentic legendary place. In 1943 the Arena Coliseo was founded and is considered as the secnd most important lucha libre house after Arena Mexico. And as the years went on many other arenas were created at the same rate lucha libre was becoming more popular. Arenas represent more than a lucha libre place, they are cabalistic places, a yelling sanctuary, a witness of triumphs and defeats, whose walls impregnate of the energy released by the wrestlers and the crowd, of the nerves that the crowd feel from the wrestlers before going on the canvas, canvas that get impregnated of the gladiator’s pain and the spirit that fight, gives everything and dies up there. At the beginning wrestlers used a very simple clothing and their first name. As the years went on a more elaborated paraphernalia was being created turning lucha libre into a magic world, the battlename started the appearance of characters and the existence of two personalities that coexist in the same man. The men wrestle with a new identity, they face new personalities, the sportsman’s alter ego is unleashed and becomes reality with the adoption of a battlename, with which the public identifies the favorite hero. In this section we pretend to give a well deserved homage to each and every Mexican wrestler cause all of them have given us great moments with their spectacular high flying lucha libre which remind us that there are no limits for this great warriors. They have entertained us on innumerable occasions with their acrobatics and their eye catching wardrobe and masks. ¡Viva la lucha libre! And their inexhaustible great wrestlers like: EL SANTO, BLUE DEMON, HURACAN RAMIREZ, LA PARkA, ULTIMO GUERRERO, CIBERNETICO, LATIN LOVER, OCTAGON, REY MISTERIO, RAYO DE JALISCO, LOS BRAZOS, MIL MASCARAS, MASCARA SAGRADA, ATLANTIS, UNIVERSO 2000, CIEN CARAS, MASCARA AÑO 2000, ABISMO NEGRO, TINIEBLAS, GRONDA, SEPTIEMBRE NEGRO, ULTIMO DRAGON, PEGASSUS KID, CANEK, GORY GUERRERO, EDDIE GUERRERO, CAVERNARIO GALINDO, ORO, PLATA, ANGEL AZTECA, FUERZA GUERRERA, BLACK SHADOW, EL SATANICO, DR. WAGNER PERRO AGUAYO, TARZAN LOPEZ, OCTAGON, LIZMARCK, LOVE MACHINE, BLUE PANTHER, LOS VILLANOS, DOS CARAS, EL SICODELICO, MASACRE, PIERROTH, FISHMAN, EL ESPANTO, EL ESPECTRO, , EL FANTASMA, EL FELINO, EL JUSTICIERO, MISTERIOSO, EL SATANICO, EL DANY, EL FARAON, CANELO CASAS, ANDRE EL GIGANTE, LA FIERA, FRAY TORMENTA, RINGO MENDOZA, EL SUPREMO, AGUILA DORADA, KUNG FU , PIRATA MORGAN AND ALL THE WRESTLERS NOT NAMED IN THIS BRIEF LIST. We thank you all.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Just a long Friday ...

This is how I felt after I hear the second round of bombs .... Im so fucking glad that the Brits caught and shot on site one terrorist. The brits dont use guns like we do, but when they come out some one is going to die.

He rose from the dead too......... actually nothing to say just wanted to stir some shit up ...

Monday, July 18, 2005

Its in the book.......

I can't really get in to the details of this one. -- Lets just say things were done and bets were made.......

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Its was the Dukes. It was the Dukes.

While not high on my must see list the Dukes of Hazzard kinda interests me. As a youngster there was a Dr in the neighbor hood that actually had on old charger that was painted in this colors and design of the General Lee. Makes me laugh he was an Indian Dr and for the 1970's it was a very odd site to see him driving it. Very out of place. NOw as far as the girlys go .... I love the older Daisy but also am a fan of the new bustyer daisy. Is it me or does Jenifer Simpsons legs look stumpy. Almost like a midget pornstar.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

more cowbel l!!!!!!

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Hey N/A!!!! this is just for you ............ Hope it makes ya smile.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

put on your happy face...

Well this is kinda the way I've felt at work lately. I have to put on my happy face for the customers , but heaven help you if you cross me as a co-worker. There are too many people that try to shark you out of a deal. Cross me and you've fucked your self.


UPDATE. you aske for it so I deliver. I've found out that this guy at work has stolen not one but 2 customers of mine when I was not at work. The rules at work are that if you do a test drive or credit ap on some one in the last 7 days and the buy a car (even if you are not there ) you get a split commision. (half a deal). SO I was doing a little follow up and found out that 2 cars were sold in thae past 2 weeks w/ out me knowing my one weasle of a salmes man. I talked to him and he refused to split it with me. Now Icould have gone to management and forced the issue but I didnt want to. I weould up with a customers of his that was returning a car - now I could have saved it abd taked half a deal , but that owuld have involved me staying late and frankly I was not about to do it. Instean I talked the customer in to returning the car to us and buying else where... SO my dearest coworker lost money on the car , warrenty and dvd he sold them -- In short I cost him about $435.. out of pocket. He could have just split my simple deal and given me my $125 but no now hes out $435... Fuck him. Oh yea I kinda blacklisted him among the other sales guys , so now NO favors will be done for him. Its pissy , but I dont mind losing a lil money if it fucks you in the end.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Were here for you too....

"let us, therefore, brace ourselves to our duty, and so bear ourselves, that, if the british empire, and its commonwealth, lasts for a thousand years, men will still say... THIS... was their finest hour."

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

working mans blues

I have a few friends that are currently unemployed. One is inbetween jobs. he has worked in the same job for a long time and is now taking a lil time off. He is going back to somthing soon. No big deal. The other is living the life I lived 12-15 years ago. I know he is trying to get somthing started , but I kinda feel that he thinks that he is entitled to somthing. I know this bothers me. He has been out of the job loop for about three yrs now. I know the market is tough and dont get me wrong I was unemployed too for awhile , but at least I was going to school. ---- Hey Im just bitching to bitch I guess. I work any where between 100- 115 hrs every two weeks. I do well at what I do and consider my self blessed. I just know my friend can do so much better than just smoke and play playstation 2. Hes a good guy that is a hard worker when he does work. -- in a small way I am jealous , but would not trade it either.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

black queen...... Well X3 look like its going to be a piece of shit movie. Bad director questionable script and now a mutant hooker. I hope and pray the go the dark phoenix route. (Yes I am a comic geek...) You knew that , but you still love me. I hope you all had a great 4th. I worked , but it set up a fantastic 5th (lots o sales!!).

white queen

Friday, July 01, 2005

How long?????

An estimate was give to the people of the USA the other day. They are estimating that we may be at war for another 12 yrs...... That means that any child that you see that is over 6 yrs old may serve in this war. I have a bad feeling that the draft will be reinstated on my lifetime. I love this country I eally really do but every day I tend to hate the goverment and the right wing. Off subject yet the same subject-- FLAG burning. WHile I do not like those who burn the flag (its a great symbol of freedom) I do support their right to burn it as a free speach. The whole 9/11 and false patriotism has now fallen on this bullshit again. - If the Klan has the right to protest and organize ((protected right)) the flag burning fall in the same boat. I probally would kick some ones ass for doing it on my own moral reason , but his right would be protected. NO law is broken...... Again the right wing never fails to let me down. I often wonder how long Blogger will be up and running. Or will big brother eventually shut it down with the rest of oue freedoms.. Oh BTW - Judge O'connor is no longer part of the supreme court now Bush can apponit any other right wing stooge to whittle your rights away.. Folks sorroy about the political rantings , but today I had alot of time to read the paper and think. -- Have a Great Fourth of July and hold some one you care about under some skyflowers..