Thursday, February 23, 2006

shooting in my hood...

well its 930 pm and Im getting home from work. As I pull up to my house there are 2 squad infront of both my house and the neighbos house. then I hear it POP POP. I park my car and get out slowly. It turns out that a raccoon was hit by a car and was suffering infront of my house next to my neighbos house. The cops put it out of its misery. The funny part was as one copw as bagging the raccoon corpse the other cop was making growling noises. They grossed each other out as the head was blown wide open. Brains and gore all over the lawn. I laughed at the whoel fiascio. GRRR Grrrr

Sunday, February 19, 2006

monkey monkey

a true beauty sent me this monkey. made me laugh..... Last night I met several friends for a drink. The trick was that I have not seen any of these friends for over 10 years. One was a chef, police officer, a person who shreds govt docs and a church secretary. We (or rather they) drank quite a bit. I actually drank diet cokes all night (yes I did smoke quite a bit). We traded stories and told each other about people we have seen in the years since 1986. It was nice, cold but nice. One of our friends would up in prison , not jail not a dui. Hes in for hard time out of state. One clas mate died the year after we graduated and one died in a plane wrek. .... kinda funny on all the almost time I could have bit it. Each of us at the table had more than one drunk driveing story.

I've been everywhere...

The man in black and motorcycles..... well put together video

Friday, February 17, 2006

baby thats cold....

damn its cold outside. I just spent 2 hours outside moving cars so I know they will start tomorrow. Now tomorrow its supposed to be even colder than today. 5 degrees with a wind chill of -22. You could feel the wind biting on your face you could feel it in your lungs. I was brought up think that Hell is a cold dark placxe. As for the picture .... I don't even know. It made me laugh.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


yes yes i know ... heres your damn monkey


I went to the international motorcyle show in Chicago this past Sunday... I need SOooo much money to buy what I want (note not what I need). The bikes there were so way cool . You could sit on almost any make and model. The custom jobs were the best!! Afterwards I tool the boys to a hotdog place I grew up with called Gene and judes **HOT DOGS!!** I missed that place like no other.....

Friday, February 10, 2006

it cuts like a knife......

I hope that Cupids arrow finds you....

It might be a little early for Valentines Day, But I thought you ladies deserved it. To N/A, Scarlet , Dana, Girl of Summer and any other woman who read this silly old blog. You ladies are special; each in you own way. At one time or another you made me laugh or smile and for that I will always be grateful...... Now if you have any dirty pics of your self don't hesitate to send them .... If I could I would shower you with flowers and kisses I would. **Big Kiss and a quick SPANK** Take Care.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

where the hell have I been?

In the past few days I have had some fun. My sister came over with my nephew. That was fun. Also spent some time with my friends. The weirdest part of the weekend if that I recieved an email from a friend that I have not spoken to in 10 years. I attended her wedding so many years ago. ..... We kinda fell in to our own things. On a chance group email sent from the people trying to organize a 20 th high school reunion she saw my email. We've been chatting on the phone about her kids and mine and about friends we have not seen in a long time. That was funny because alot of friends we had together I still deal with all the time. She also kept in touch with some friends that I have not seen in 10-15 years. It was good talking to her. I also was very saddend at the same time. He ex- husband and his wife have a son that is ter minal with a genetic kidney disorder. He is blind and mentaly retarded. Wow. Thats huge. I sold her husband a van a few months ago and asked him to pass my card to her. I thought she did not want to talk. But it turns out with that huge responsibility of his son he can't think straight. ... I forget what a blessing I have with my boys.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Dreaming #11

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I've been thinking alot about dreams. They are the very few things that totaly belong to me and only me. If your lucky you can remember them, but they always fray at the edges. They slowly come apart and are eventually forgotten.