Thursday, August 31, 2006

time is on my side ...........

Where have I been? or rather where has my head been? I've been busy at work in the evenings. Summer is winding down and I'm taking advantage of warm nights at the store. I was asked If I wanted to go back to Ohio to train some new sales staff. I'm going back for 2 weeks in Sept. It will be a little weird this time around. This time I'm going alone and the is less hype since the store has been opened for awhile. It will be a good thing.

** my brain has been in a weird place as of late. I have been dreaming about old friends and places that did'nt seem that long ago. The days pile up and I rememeber some portions of my life more so than other parts. I worked at a Grocery store for 7 yeras and that all blurs together. I have made new friends and lost contact withothers. Some I wish would call or write. Others are no loss.

** I took my Uncles urn out the other day and cleaned the dust off of it. I spent some time alone in the house and just talked to him. I told him how much I missed him and how I would give anything to say Good bye. My mon and dad go to church on the date of his death and light a candle. My sister lit one for me at her church.

Question. If you could go back in time in your own life time for 10 minutes what day would that be? You can not change any thing only witness.....?????

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

need sleep .....

Sleep....I feel like I cant get enough. I go to sleep near 1 pm every night
and get up at 730 in the morning to let the dogs out. I usually sneek an
extra hour after that. The last week I feel like I'm running on empty. I
don't think I'm dreaming. I don't remember tossing or turning at all. I
just am tired 100% of the time.
I went to the Dr's office and had blood work done. My heart rate is low,
good blood pressure, no sugar in the blood, cholesterol is under 200 so
thats good. I need to have a little more fish and a little less red meat,
but all in all not too bad. I was tested for hepitits because of a little
squirrly results in one test but it turned out ok.
We got a mass email for my 20th reunion and does it sound L-A-M-E..... I'm
thinking of not going. Its not the money, I've paid more doing things that
last 10 minutes..... but I am not up for it at all.
I'm off tomorrow and I already have a full day ahead of me - lawn work,
seting up stuff for our yearly garage sale, car wash?---- arrrrg Calgon
take me away! (what the hell is calgon? I remember the slogan but not the
I miss the chatter on this blog but I am writing this to clear my mellon of
excess thoughts and words. It helps me think and actually has helped my
typing in the last year. thans kinda funny..... OK all if you are going
back to school have fun and fill your brain, if your working take a minute
and smile, take care. -- Mr crane.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Days gone by...

This last few week have become a blur and i think I have lost a few days.
Long work days and going right to bed after having a late dinner just makes
time go by too fast. Sunday goes by then the next think I know its Saturday
again. When I was a kid in school time would linger; you could feel every
minute go by. The days in Summer would last forever. Miles and miles would
be done on a bicycle. The Sun would take hours to go down. Countless games
of Ghost in the graveyard could be played in the time that the church bells
would ring PM and the sun would drop behind the horizon. Even after sundown
we would steal the family flashlight and play flashlight tag. Gather fire
flies and place them in coffee cans or mayo jars with a whole in the lids.
I grew up in an Urban suburb of Chicago and we didn't have fire pits them
but we had the stoop. We would sit on the stairs and gab for hours and just
talk about bands and listen to the radio. We would bad mouth disco and
listen to kiss on the 8 track..... wow did I just date my self....
I don't know what I miss the most from being a kid. My friends (I don't see
any of them any more) or the innocence? The feeling that you were going to
be young forever an that the days were yours? No taxes, money , car, visa,
cell phones, cable or any thing else. You were given $5 for the week and
you made due with it. You would go and bring back the glass coke bottles
for a dime a piece. On occasion you would find a car battery in the alley
and bring it to the battery shop 2 miles away for the $5.00.
The shame is that I didn't even notice the summer go buy this year. I
bitched about the heat for a few days. I went to work and I went to sleep.
I need to pause my life for a few days and slow down the day. --

Monday, August 21, 2006

School daze

Let me get right to the point .... I want to fuck my son's teacher. We went there to day as an open house. I dont want to love her , wake next to her or even have a pleasent conversation afterward. I want to meet her, strip her and fuck her .... It was at 6 pm get to know the teacher an other s at the school ..... Wow she was all of 5'5 ,young, blonde hair blue eyes and hot. She wore a slim sun dress. Very professional but showed a nice shape. I am going to have trouble at the PTA meeting thinking about what type of panties she has on. Most likley they will be cotton, but what if there something i dont even know about..... I'm a perv. but you already knew that ..... What happened to all the old crone teachers that I had as a kid
? 40+ yrs on the job and looking to retire? Even the Principal was young maybe 30??? Arrrg I'm getting older and the young are always pretty.....

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

monkey on a bike

Summer is winding down. My oldest is ready to go to school. I am feeling depresed. Its fall inside my head. I have been going through this every August since 2000. Thats when My uncle died. I miss him. I used to dream ... alot about all sorts of things. In color with vivid sceans and wonderful places. Now I sleep like the dead. I go to sleep and then awake some time later , no dreams nothing. I do not feel like my self. good night sorry about the rambling its just the way the thoughts are comming out today....

Saturday, August 05, 2006


I posted awhile back that my HS reunion is comming up. At first there was a
flurry of activity and then it dies rather quickly. I spent some time
thinking and came to a conclusion that any one from HS that I wanted to see
I still see. There was the same old BS at the meeting that was held . Old
Jocks and preppy cheerlearders and everyone else on the other side. I was
once called the King Of the Burnouts. Yes I did party in heavy metal
circles but I also maintained a very high GPA. I was in advanced classes
and was out every night till 1pm or more. I don't know. .......... Maybe
I'll go and settle some old scores... HAHAHAH - God that sounded like super
villan banter. Any how --- I'm off to visit family down state. The sweet
corn is comming up and Im going to get some. Nothing like corn thats been
freshly picked. Lots of melted butter and salt. (SOme times I eat it
Mexican style -- Mayo, Romano cheese and chili pepper on top..... It smells
like feet but tastes awsome!!)

Friday, August 04, 2006


This curiousity only occurs once in a great while, usually when I wake from
a dream that involves people from my past. After waking, I pour myself a
glass of water, then I sit down at the dining room table to drink it. I
picture all my friends and loved ones sleeping in their beds. Then I think
about all the friends I've had but no longer know anymore. I think about
the women I've been with, too. I wonder what they're doing with their lives
now, and if they're having a good time. I wonder what they look like now, I
wonder what kind of room they're sleeping in. I wonder if they've ever
wondered this about me. Do the people I sometimes remember ever remember
me? Then I go back to bed and fall asleep.