I have seen some D list movies that I still remember because of friends that I went with. The Lion King and A certain Ghost in the Shell movie hold places in my heart because of women I went with. I can List at least one movie that I went with each girl friend. Again some movies were horrid but the person made it special. Sharing the dark and a scare can be thrilling. Holding hands in the darkness can also be soothing and comforting.
I sometimes enjoy going to the show by my self. It can be odd but it can be even more enveloping. The movie seems to be more real for you when your by your self. The strangest movie I went to see was a horror movie with Ben Afflick. The theater was completely empty except for me. The sounds seemed to creep around the floor and walls. An usher came in to check on the theater every 20 minutes or so. That opening of the door made it unnerving for me. As bad of a movie that it was I enjoyed the movie more so because I was alone in the dark.
Anyways its not always shiny Oscars for me. I just watched this movie Sunshine and while it had zero movement here in the US. I thought it was smartly written and very well done. If you get a chance go watch it. Also I had a chance to see the diary of the dead. While not a very good move it was fun to watch... I'm looking out for Doomsday. The looks like a tribute to : MadMAx, the road warrior, escape from NY, Damnation alley, any number of Zombie movies and lots of post apocalyptic movies that are just silly and fun.
Any how heres to your A list actors and D list movies. Go order something off of Netflix or blockbuster if you want I still like to go get some popcorn and sit in the dark; even if it is alone. Enjoy....I'll save the aisle seat for ya.