Skill sets are very important in ones day to day work place and at home....I often have to learn many things in order to maintain both my house and cars.Os of this past weekend my 4 yr old has no need of training wheels. I went and bought him a used bike off of Craigslist and a great deal - Schwinn for $20. Granted it needed a little brake work and well to be truthfully I have not really worked on a bicycle in over 20 years. I actually bought a book to walk me through the paces of wires and hubs.... Not too bad. I'm going to list some skills that I have as well as things I really want to learn how to do. Maybe I'll take classes (when/if time allows!!!).
Drive stick, Cook and grill, fix the basics on a motor cycle, ride a motor cycle, maintain a car, do an oil change on a car, change a tire and jump a car, install a basic outlet for a celling fan, Basic wiring, change plugs in a car, install a faucett, install an new toilet, make beer, install a new radio/cd player, know the difference between many wines, make killer ice cream, sew enought to keep clothing longer, butcher an animal, Basic medical care including emergency child birth, how to shoot a hand gun properly, archery (target not hunting), basic knots for scouting, tae kwon do (no black belt but 4 years worth), astronomy
These are things that I would love to learn how to do/make if I had the time and or money....
Dance, swim, scuba, work copper pipe for plumbing, write FLASH, cook chinesse food, learn more languages, moorse code, HAM radio, how to make a stained glass window, build a fighting robot, better woodworking (small items), metal craft, gun smithing, skydiveing, how to draw better. There are many many more and in truth I woule love to do more with the time that I have. I guess you do really know what you do not know until you realize that you do not know it.....
****More bike updates.... A week ago I drove over my other sons bike. Crushing the wheel and goose neck. I looked at replacing the parts but a wheel for the bike ran $35 and the goose neck was about $25. FRACK the whole bike only cost $100. Craigslist to the rescue. I found a girls bike the same size for $5. Yes $5. My master plan was to take the rim and goose neck from the girls bike and replace my sons. HA... The rim fit with out problem. The goose neck was 2mm too big. So there went that idea. That alone ran me 20 minutes to undoing. So, I replaced the girls with tires with my sons black ones, the white peddals swapped for black ones, flower stickers removed, cable brakes removed, plush pink seat swapped for a black one, bike then taped and painted purple and black. So what was supposed to be a 20 minute fix wound up running me about 3 hours plus drying time to "man up" his girls bike to a boys bike. He like it and for a $5 bike it both runs and looks great....