Tuesday, March 31, 2009

missed foods


This weekend the Russians are sealing up 5 cosmonauts in a simulated flight to Mars. This will last 105 days, with the same people , breathing recycled air and drinking recycled water. The food will be prepared in the same way as a space station. Next year they will re do this experiment for the full 502 days. A full manned flight to Mars takes 502 days. After thinking for a bit this is just a small list of foods that I will miss. This does not include the turkey thanksgiving meal and Christmas cookies. This is just off the top of my head in 2 minutes..... Again no drinks in this list.

Italian beefs
thin crust pizza
egg rolls
sweet and sour pork
my moms tacos
pinto beans
Italian sausage in red gravy
pork fried rice
garlic lemon shrimp
chicken kung pao
crab cakes
deviled eggs
orange chicken
BBQ pork and hot links
cherry pie
turkey pot pies
tandoori chicken
red curried potatoes
fish sticks


honey baked ham


Thursday, March 26, 2009

grateful for

Now that I have gotten some things that I miss in rough economic times on
my blog. This is a list of what I am grateful for.Things that give me
comfort.Things that make me well me..Again in no order.

My kids
my health
my wife
pinto beans
books and the library
meatloaf and mashed potatoes
mac and cheese
blue jeans
the dollar menu
Spanish rice
torrent downloads
my dogs
a warm blanket
a hot dog in a flour tortilla
health insurance
zero cavities in my sons teeth
new shoelaces
the radio
the archery range by my house
a hand made cake
fish sticks
homemade pizza
my moms salsa
dad teaching me old skills
Family guy
kool aide - red flavor is best
pita bread
a cold beer
hot wings
my cars running well
good friends
old friends
my nephew
old pictures
black and white movies
used book stores - good luck trying to find one
working for a good company
prayers that work
pickled jalapeño
pancakes with jelly on them
warm tea
having my back scratched
the last frost
putting on a freshly pressed pair of pants
new socks
an unexpected email from a friend
watching the stars
catching fireflies
archera on the grill
my sister.
my mom
speaking in Spanish
polish food
Indian tandoori
Italian beefs
corned beef
kung bao chicken
egg rolls
a fresh shave
......Thanks all for now...Peace


Money is tight everywhere across the world. Everyone makes choices on what
to spend on and what not to spend on. This is a list of things that I miss
in the economic rough times. Things that either can not afford, now use
seldom or just want to want. So in no particular order.

The INTERNET at home. (I loved just hitting stumble upon for hours)
Crab legs.
Good English beers. (at 10.99 a six I enjoy them every now and then)
Car Washes. (this one I don't mind, I have the kids help me outside)
4/$9.00 12 packs of coke....The price of corn syrup drove the price up.
buying tools..(this is just a guy thing,you buy a tool hoping that you'll
use it soon).
magazines. (god I would buy magazines by the dozens and read non stop for a
Comic books. (See above, but at $3.00 a pop this got expensive quick)
Premium cable channels. (I really don't watch TV. I work way too much, but
I still miss it) - Basic works fine.)
Imported English cheeses. My god where I used to work I would get these
for free. Brie, Shropshire, Roquefort, Stilton....
A bottle of Silver Oak. Alexander.
The smell of roses in the house.
Name brand Oreos.
Concerts. - I think this is just a time factor.
Days off.
Waiting lists at work.
Strip clubs. (thats just throwing money away)
Buying shoes that are not on sale.
an obersweiss milk shake. this is more to keep me smaller.
I would live to buy a 60" TV
just ordering out of catalogs

Granted this list is just based off of want instead of need....peace.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

From the WHite house....


Thank you for your recent note, and for sharing your thoughts
with me. Your kind words echo the messages of millions of
Americans who have welcomed me and my family to the White
House with an outpouring of goodwill.

On January 20th, Americans spoke with one voice, choosing
hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord. Our
Nation faces serious challenges, but we will overcome them if
our imagination is joined to common purpose.

Now is our time to work together, reaffirm our enduring
spirit, and choose our better history. With your help, we will
renew our Nation's promise to carry forth the great gift of
freedom to future generations, as our forebears have delivered it
to us.


Barack Obama

*** After the election www.whitehouse.gov was soo transfermed by his staff. I signed up and sent him a note of thanks knowing very well that the odds of him reading it were 1,000,000 to 1. I got this automated letter back... Even though he didn't pen this to me personaly it was nice.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The crowd was cheering us; the 15 students 4 dads, 1 mom, 5 teachers (2
were female)and one principal. All agreed to have our hair clipped for a
good cause. The school it's self raised $11,000 for the St. Baldricks
foundation. Its all to fund pediatric cancer research. The kids started it
up by having their tiny heads shaved. The crowed roared SHAVE IT < SHAVE
IT! I my self was in the second round to be clipped and I actually giggled
when the clippers hit my scalp. I felt the wind blow against bare skin and
I knew it was well beyond the point of just a short hair cut. It more of a
shearing. The girls who cut the hair were from a local Sports cut and one
or two made it look like a hootchie show. Their skirts and boots just did
not fit in well at a grade school. .. I have more hair than money right now
and it all went to a good cause...... It just seems every time I cut it it
grows back with more and more gray....At least it grows back!!!
I was asked why I did it and in many ways its too much to number. My
own family was touched with cancer several time and many of my friends are
in the same boat as me. This was the very lease I can do to support a good
Maybe it was the Sun on my scalp but afterward I felt kinda ill and
needed to nap for about an hour. Could be the lack of hair like Sampson or
just a food bug, but it was kinda weird.... When I close my eyes I still
hear the clippers.......


Friday, March 13, 2009

It depends when you are...

In New York, it's 2009.
In Chicago, it's 2008.
In Minnesota, it's 2004.
In Ohio, it's 1986.
In Mexico, it's 1979.
In Alabama, it's 1966.
In Russia, it's 1949.
In South Africa, it's 1833.
In Saudi Arabia, it's 805.
In Tokyo, it's 2014
In Tel Aviv, it's 5769.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Remembering the wind...

The Sun is slowly coming back to us. Here it is 5:50 pm and as I stare out of my window at work the Sun is still hanging on. This weekend we will swing time back an hour and there will be Sun at 7pm..... The night gets a touch smaller from this point on. The wind stirs the spirit and we feel better after the long freeze. The Springtime mud and grey is on us now. Old gray mountains of dirty snow still hide where the Sun can't touch them, but for the most part its done......I am beginning to feel better in my old bones. My left arm is slowly healing from a torn ligament (or pulled). It still hurts is I grab something with an open hand. If I reach for the top of a cup of coffee it hurts.
My bicycle is ready to turn its first mile in 2009 and with some luck and will power I will be able to rack up 250 miles - 300 miles this year. While not a world record by any stretch of the imagination its the most I have done in a long long time. I am rigging a 12 volt light system to be seen in the dark.
My kids are ready to break out the kites. This year I think they are ready for them....My dad and I used to fly kites together. Its one of the only good times I remember with my dad as a kid. No worries or yelling; just the wind , my dad and the kite...The park has long since closed but if I can look in to the sky and think really hard I can sometime see my dads old kite.

OK kids, thats about it for now.....peace.