Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Monday, May 30, 2005

not saying a word, heres your Memorial day monkey

As a kid these damn things also creeped me out. I think the gold one could talk and sounded somthing like a teacher from the Kung Fu Tv show. ...... I know these also bothered my friends too.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Arrg went to see episode 3 with the knuckle head from work. Before we went to went to a local brew pub and the ... they ordered miller light (or somthing close to it ). God , I know that I an a beer snob but to go somewhere they brew some damn good beer and have them order swill like that. Breaks ny heart. DOnt get me wrong - Miller /rolling rock and the other "beers" like that have their place. I call them lawnmower beers. -- For drinking to keep cool nothing more. -- Anyhow movie was way cool and MY beer way awsome....

Thursday, May 26, 2005


One of my favorite things to eat is a Tuna steak. Grilled is best. So heres a quick way to prepare a great tuna steak.

Get your self some fresh Tuna (2 steaks) . Frozen ok if from a good place.

4oz Soy sauce
1 TSP Sambal Oelek (Chinese chili paste)LINK!!
Juice of one half lime ( I have used the juice of an Orange for a different flavor)
small drizzle of EEOV (Extra virgin olive oil)
a dash of cracked black pepper

Wisk all items in a small container and the pour over the tuna. Retain a small amount for a dipping sauce. Let the Tuna soak for about 15 min. Have your grill nice and hot to cook the steaks. Tuna is ok to have with a pink center. Grill for about 30-40 seconds on both sides. and serve. The Spicy/salty combination is great. I love to have mine with a Lime cilantro rice as a side.

I have to say that out of the fish that I have eaten I love Tuna the most , the texture and taste are the best.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Its hard to tell but these are real models. The site has mapped out superhero costumes on these ladies. -- I have to say I love Boster gold and the blue beetle.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Ducks are no match for the power of the Dark Side........ Actually from a delicious Photoshop contest on FARK.com **LINK

Today was a good day with my sons. For the bulk of the day we played in the yard and hung out. Later in the day we went inside to watch TV. We would up watching some things that I like to watch (No not porn). We turned on some Godzilla movies and also some Justice League cartoons. We had a good time. I wonder what will stick in their head of being scary on Tv. When I was a child the Freezmiser and the heat miser would freek me out. I rember having many night mares about then as a child. Maybe it was just the freeky claymation they used to film em. -- I hope you all had good weekends.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Cross town classic round 1

Game 1 SOX 5 Cubs 1
Game 2 SOX 5 Cubs 3
Game 3 Cubs 4 SOX 3

Either way Chicago wins. Whispers ...... Go SOX!!!!

Devil in the details

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Religion has a way of showing a persons worst face. Not just Christians but everybody. I hate you because you eat pork , I hate you because Im supposed to , I hate you cause your gay and that frightens me. ----- Last week I saw the best Simpsons episode featuring Cathloic heaven - Filled to the brim with Dancing Mexicans , drinking Irish and feasting Italians. That made me chuckle. But at the end of it all there was a war in the future because of the Prophet Bart. .... I did that no justice just watch it. Listen I am not bashing religion its the whole war in the mid east just grating on me. -- Find you god and smile. -- Night all

underpants gnome

OK now they are upset because we have pictures of this tyrant in his underpants. Sure he killed millions but give him respect. Last week we reported a false news story and 15 people died in riots because of the koran. Today I hear they are painting american flags outside mosques and having people walk arcoss them in protest. -- Im so fucking tired of all the bull shit, the daily bomb reports, the cowardly way they counter every thing . I m thinking more every day we should turn the place in to a glass parking lot. ---- Rant off.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Midnight show and a monkey

Monkey for the middle part of the week. -- Went to the midnight show of starwars last night. It was a geekfest > costumes and many a light sabre was there. I do have to say this movie rocked. Better than Empire. Thats all I got to sat about that. . Im going to bed.

PS - I read a review at Ain't it cool news and it made me very sad. The writer said this is the last movie. He had gone to see ALL the movies with his dad. His dad grew old with star wars and he grew up with it. --

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I bring you ....Mr. Teeny.

How did I miss Simpsons episode? Where the hell was I? - The giggling and hitting with pillows .............

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Friday night I went to a poker game with a set of friends form work. Most of these guys were about 21-25. I had to laugh the fridge was filled with beer and bread. They had pabts blue ribbon. Now I am a beer snob, I did bring a 6 of some english ales ,but shared em with my host/friend. They were most well enjoyed. By the end of the night I was shotgunning PBR's,smoking cigars and teaching them how to play "screw your neighbor" (a card game). They played Texas hold'em - a game that I find quite boring. So When I was my turn the carnival games started. I lost about $10 for about 7 hours of drinking and playing so not a bad night at all. Saturday was a bitch of a long day. I started at 8 am and worked through 10:30 pm. I came home flicked channels and passed out. - Question Is it bad form to threaten your host by shitting in his fish tank if he wins a poker hand??

Gold bubbles

Ok, While I thought the 2 japanese guys photo was most disturbing I have now found one better. I found this one through I blog **LINK**that I enjoy to read. The whole trial thing makes me laugh , not because of what he is accused of doing. Because the black community thinks this is a was of the man to have him sell his Beatles rights. ---True x-files shit here folks.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

OK, I was going to post a picture of a monkey, But I found this one while looking for monkey photos. All I have to say is "God bless our friends from Japan." I know that there are cultural differances in every country. That is what makes the world a great place to live. I love to surround my self with people from different backgrounds and cultures. What the fuck am I saying...... this has to be among the most disturbing photos I have seen in awhile. I think I may actually wear an outfit like this to mow the lawn if my neighboor gets out of hand. I often threaten him that I'll mow the lawn in a red fez and a speedo if he pisses me off. This would just kill him.

Friday, May 13, 2005


Well I feel like shit today...... A month or so ago (maybe 2?) My sisters ex was thrown in jail for a dui. Well it turns out that he has had several. I also guess that he was using coke and skipping work. So now ho goes to jail and my sister and his brother have to pick up the pieces. Well one of the pieces was his cat. - His cat was a super nice cat . My boys got along with him super well and so did I . The bad part was that he (the cat ) did not get along well with the dog and the other cat. They would fight at 2 am all the freeking time. I asked around at work and a really nice girl at work took the cat in. -- The cat had lost a lot of weight since he was here. I thought it was because of all the fighting. SHe told me at work that she took Jo (the cat) to the vet. Jo has liver disease and more than half of it is gone. She has to put Jo down. God I feel like shit. I told her that I was notgetting rid of him on purpose because he was sick. I didnt know........ Well its better this was than having her trying to treat the cat and just having him die slowly.

This picture is so true. Star Wars has whored its self out completely this time around. Not only the toys and cereal but this time is on a grand scale. Burgerking, ringtones, cell promotions, who know what else. --- FYI the pic mocks a movie They live. Look it up its about what really drives America.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Just wanted to post a monkey for your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

just a little odd

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Not sure why I liked this picture but it just made me smile. A weird lil bck and white photo.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


This is why I could not be a Jedi. I would be using the lightsaber to light smokes, as a bug zapper, night light and who know what else.

Both Mr. Burns and flying monkeys...

Monday, May 09, 2005

of quizes and asses

You Are Best Described By...


By M.C. Escher

---- Actually No. But let me explain. I did this quiz and was looking at the other answers and found this painting. It made me laugh out loud. The reason being is that my ex girl friend of many years ago had this tattooed on her ass. Thats the lst time I saw this picture. --

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Pink man

Again the internet always keeps me intertained. I was looking for pictures of Pink the singer. I just downloaded some of her songs and was burning a cd and wanted a picture for the cd. So while doing a GIS search I found this. Not a bad looking guy I just loved the outfit. Like a Pink superhero with those arm bands. For some reason I don't think I would do the suit justice.

Mary Mary

Underpass mary. Last week or so this image of "The Virgin Mary " appreared under an under pass in Chicago in the near north side. The faithful have been flocking to it. Last week a person painted with shoe polish (WTF? shoe polish?) "Big Lie " on it. I chuckled and went on. It amazed me on how many people latch on to images that are just that images. When I moved in to my house a few yrs back there was an image in "Mary" in a tree in the next town over. (she gets around..) I drove up to see this image in a tree. Its funny because there were many images of mary in every tree. When limbs are cut they form a scab on the tree that looks oval. Same with this magic water spot. --- Listen Im not trying to bash God. I actually believe with a lot of faith in "Him". Its his worshipers that I have a problem with. At night when its quiet take a breah and just talk to what ever god you need to. No show no big production just talk. -- Good night .

Mothers day

Happy Mothers day every body.... Actually found this looking for a pic for Mothers day. I wnat to know "What if in the 1940's and 50's America were not so up tight about sex?" Would we be any better than we are now? Would Janet Jacksons malfunction gone un-noticed? Would we have so much violence on Tv and the movies? Hell I dont know . Any ways enjoy I hope I made ya laugh.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

God am I a geek. I am so looking forward to Episode 3. I remember seeing the first one when I was about 9 years old. My friend and his dad took me. Ron's dad was this old school biker guy. He stood about 6'5 had a huge beard and all. My dad gave me $5 to go to the movie and buy popcorn and a soda. Ron and his dad took me to go see Star Wars anothr 5 times in that summer.

Weekend Monkey....

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Notice the blank stares or what women do

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What is it about a beautiful woman that makes a man of any age stop dead in his tracks? Is it boobs? is it a smile or perfume ? Hair hips legs ass? I have never seen women do this at all. I know they will gossip and talk about a hot man or who they would fuck. But men are different men will stop all brain functions. I work in car sales so I get to be with alot of women during the summer months. I see women in sun dresses, skirts,tight jeans, low cut tops and small belly shirts all the time. I love it but I do my work and sell the car. (its all about the money!) I laugh when I see younger men not be able to function when some one very attractive comes in to the store for help buying a car. -- Now before you say "WHat about you?" -- When I was younger I was totally like Uncle Fester in the Adams Family Values movie. - I had zero self confidence and could not hardly talk to a woman let alone work with one. -- I guess the reason I post this is we have a new girl at work - She is all of 19/20 and very tiny and attractive. You could probaly fling her panties like a rubber band. Shes originally from Bolivia. We get along perty good, we laugh and joke. I see all the other guys fawn around her and I can see how unconfortable they are with her. I pointed it out to her and she told me he had problems dating because men (boys ) dont approach her. -- I always love the way ladies look , but the best feature of a woman is her smile. The other parts are just attached to it. -- Smile ladies, smiles.

When I grow up I want to be .........

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I wanted to become a superhero when I was a child. Somthing like Zorro or batman. I knew I did not want to become a mechanic like my dad. As I went through college I had no freeking clue. I had the skills to become a chemist or nurse.My dad could not understand why I wanted to do the nursing thing. But I still had no clue what I really wanted to do. I kinda fell in to sales and I do well, but I still want to go to school to finish a degree. My oldest son wants to become an Icecream man when he grows up (he's amlost 5). What do you want to be when you grow up?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Smoking Monkey

Hey its the start of May. I owed you a monkey to start the month. Enjoy.

Nixon and the boy

Not sure whats going on here but it seemed like a good shot.

Monday, May 02, 2005


God, I love the Chicago skyline. This is the view from the 31st Street Pier.

Smelt Part Deux

Proof -

Wow, we actually caught 2 smelt this year a record catch. We've caught smelt before but only 1 here 1 there. We also caught another fish an Allweiffe (sp?). In the last few years we went high tech and bought an 500,000 candle powered light for undwewater use. We have it hooked to a car battery and it works very well. Par for the course almost no fish were attracted to it. We grilled many a sausage and skirt steak, lots os hot dogs and many many beers were consumed. It was not cold this year , but the wind off the lake was killer. The wind made our fire burn through our wood pile twice as quick. At about 11 pm some real nice folks gave us a bunch of wood that helped us for the evening. As we were wrapping up the evening Chicago cops gave us freeking parking tickets - $25. If we were just 15 min quicker.I hate parking laws in the city. All in all it was a good night, good food, good freinds, good talk and even good music and as always good beer.