What is it about a beautiful woman that makes a man of any age stop dead in his tracks? Is it boobs? is it a smile or perfume ? Hair hips legs ass? I have never seen women do this at all. I know they will gossip and talk about a hot man or who they would fuck. But men are different men will stop all brain functions. I work in car sales so I get to be with alot of women during the summer months. I see women in sun dresses, skirts,tight jeans, low cut tops and small belly shirts all the time. I love it but I do my work and sell the car. (its all about the money!) I laugh when I see younger men not be able to function when some one very attractive comes in to the store for help buying a car. -- Now before you say "WHat about you?" -- When I was younger I was totally like Uncle Fester in the Adams Family Values movie. - I had zero self confidence and could not hardly talk to a woman let alone work with one. -- I guess the reason I post this is we have a new girl at work - She is all of 19/20 and very tiny and attractive. You could probaly fling her panties like a rubber band. Shes originally from Bolivia. We get along perty good, we laugh and joke. I see all the other guys fawn around her and I can see how unconfortable they are with her. I pointed it out to her and she told me he had problems dating because men (boys ) dont approach her. -- I always love the way ladies look , but the best feature of a woman is her smile. The other parts are just attached to it. -- Smile ladies, smiles.
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