Friday, April 28, 2006

you never smile ...

Its funny - the more busy you become the less of a chance you get to be
your self. I have been busy at work then comming home and going to bed and
starting all over. Yesterday I was in the yard and my son said "wow dad you
never smile" -- how sad is that that your child has to point out that you
do not smile. -- I need to make some serious kid time with the boys and my
nephew -- I want to take them to fly a kite but every day off I have it
rains.. Some days I am jealous of my wife because she is home with the kids
and gets to see them grow and become little people. I am glad that they
have a zoo pass and get to go all the time. That was a nice gift that my
mom in law gave to us.(she also gave us grave plots too --) -- any ways
moms and dads dont forget to smile with your little ones. - Peace and have
a great weekend.

Mr. Crane

PS I am Soooo waiting for Naco Libre I am wearing My El Santo mask to that
move. Forget V's mask I will wear my own. If I could wear contacts I might
drive with that mask on.....

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Blah blagh

Well I spent almost all of last week waddling around the house and yard
recovering from the vascetomy. The stiches are starting to dissolve - thats
a pain in the balls . I go back next week for a quick pop in to the Doc
office so he can be sure that all is ok.

The front yard looks awsome - deep green long grass and 90% of the
patches taken care of. The muddy spot under the tree in back looks great.
Grass filled in . Now to fix the high traffic areas that the kids play
on..... I know that will be an ongoing challange this summer.

- My trip to Ohio is set . The bad part is that I am going solo. The
company used to send 2 at a time but this time to scale back on $$$ we are
being sent alone. No big deal -- I actually called the hotel and asked got
all the details for their wireless service.

-- I am dying to ride the cycle now thats its warmer,but the Dr said no
straddling anything for 2 weeks ...

Out side of that its been kinda quiet for me. I did go to a Greek Easter
last Sunday .. That was awsome , Lamb , greek potatoes, dolmas,
glacktabutoka, more desserts, salads, lots of wine and coffee.... got I
took home a ton on lamb. --- I love greek easter

I signed up my oldest boy to Kinderganden this week. We gave the office all
the Dr's records and dental records , turned in tax forms and all the other
stuff. What kinda irritates me is that home of the home work is printed in
English and Spanish... I have no soft spot in my heart for those who do not
want to learn the language or come here to live in lil Mexico and not want
to bother with customs ond traditions of this Country. -- But any ways
thats a different post.--

If any one is still reading this , take care .

Mr. Crane

Friday, April 21, 2006


I just got through watching V for Vendetta. The similarites between the movie and the State of the United States is spot on. America is woud so tight you can feel it. Gas prices are soaring, Americas belief in George W is 33% , illeagles are in the spot light, inflation is increasing, the houseing bubble is about to pop, crime in on the increase , the hatered and mis trust for any foreigner, any one different is bad, homosexuals are evil, Homeland Security feels wrong. There are protests in the streets these will soon turn in to riots. Please understand I am only refelecting views that are on the minds and hearts on very scared americans. Something is going to happen and it will not be pretty. I remember on 2000 I was waiting for a train on my way to work and I saw 4 Army tanks on a train going twords the City of Chicago. I felt a chill go down my spine. I have those same chills right now....

Ohio 2

well i thought I was going to cleveland and I thought that would be cool to visit the rock and roll museum. well I guess I'm going to Columbus Ohio. I dont even know where that is.... No big deal I will be working the whole time. Any one want to take me out for drinks ?????


Well Im off to Ohio for a week . I will be gone from 5/7 til 5/15 .... yea, big fucking deal . I got my dates today. I'm looking forward to this . It will be warm and not fucking freezing line Wichita.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

my balls....

Well I went to bed at 10 pm - doses on 2 vicodin and placed the ice bag on my neither region. At about 2 am I took the bag out of my shorts and passed out. The day went well , a little sore . I took a shower had breakfast and then headed to Menards with the family. I spent time outside doing light yard work and yelling at the kids. Just an easy kind of day - I kept off the drugs except when I went to take a nap . The I dropped 2 vicodin and napped very well. - Its funny I have to wear a jock strap for support. I had to go out and buy one. Christ the last time I owned one was in high school ..... Well its done and recovery is going well. Tomorrow I go to work at 5 and work til 9 pm. Should be a no brainer type of day.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

my balls hurt

Image hosting by PhotobucketWell I did it - had the vasectomu done. WHoe thing took baout 30 min and was ok . The worse part was having an injection in to my special place... The DOc was cool but he gave me no warning when he injected the first nut. Ten min later that was done - the othere was a little more difficult..... Ive had my nuts on Ice for 10 hours and I needed to walk around and streach. Im sore and spacy ... been on vicodin and rum for a wee bit now.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Somthing special about comfort foods. They always bring you to a safe point
in your life. For the most part they bring you to a family spot or a quiet
time with mom. Mac and cheese, meatloaf and gravy, home made momma burger ,
a simple grilled cheese on white bread, chicken soup with a lemon twist and
the peanut butter and jelly. I have 2 boys in the house and often have kids
cereal at home and I dig that. Some sort of sugar crispy frosted bomb.
Today I had a PBJ, Grape jelly and smooth beatnut butter. Its been a long
time since I had a sandwich like that it made me smile and pause on the
day. It seemd to stop and the wind was soft sun was up and it was 81 degree
. Maybe its the weather I think its was that sandwich that made me
smile..... Hey if you read this , whats your favorite comfort food?

Mr. Crane

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Cards and Ice Cream ...

Well I was dog tired this moring, but thats what you get when the last guest leaves at 5am. I came out even - . I did make a killer pot of pasta and pork sauce for the guys. Dan brought his wife and she brought cookies!!!! After it was all done in the morning I then has a bowl of cinimon toast crunch and went to bed.. Morning I had to clean the house and make ice cream laundry and wash the car. It was damn good productive day even ran to the ACE for some extra keys cut!! I also took the training wheels of my oldest sons bike today. He's free wheeling today. -- I called my mom in Texas. I guess they are going to creamate my aunt. No big to do.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Dora R.

My Aunt Dora died today. She has been in hospice for 2 months ow with
terminal cancer. She has been fighting cancer on and off for 15 years.
Breast, bone and lymph. My mom went down there knowing that she was very
sick and probally going to pass today. My mom flew down there and missed
her by 1 hour. Its better this way the cancer devistated her. She put her
family before her and paid the price. The reason I say that is that her
husband is a alcoholic and her kids are complete losers. One was a
gangbanger and the other stole money from my grandmothers purse. They both
know that if I every catch either one I will beat them. I called my one
cousin when I found out. I told him that at any time I could buy a ticket
to San Antonio for $75 beat his ass and be home for dinner. He knows that I
could and would do it. The good part is they live in Texas and I live
outside Chicago. I feel kinda weird right now like I almost want to pass
out kinda light headed. I think I need a Coke. -- Thanks for listening .
Mr. Crane.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

snippy snip and more

Well I visited the Dr last week about it. I have thought about it for
awhile. I have finally schedualed it. I decided to get a vasectomy. I have
2 boys and love them dearly and I have decided that I am done with new
babys. To have another right now would not be fair to them. The rising
costs of housing, schools and the every day things makes me worry that I
one day will not be able to afford a good school for them. Yes I know there
will be grants, military , loans etc. But to see the expected costs make me
cringe. I also know that they will break me once they reach driving age.
So I went to the Dr and had a simple exam and spoke with the Dr. He
wanted to be sure that I was doing it for the right reasons. Within 2 min
he knew that I was right in the head about the procedure. The date is set
for April 18th . I will be doped up and have it done. The funny part is
that I have to buy a jock strap to support my boys afterawrd. I have not
worn a jock since Highschool .Do I take some one with me to see if I look
good in it? I schedualed a few days off of work for this. So I picture
some serious Vicodin feuled dreams and pizza days following the surgury. I
told a few guys here at work about it and the cringed. But they are much
younger with of one them having any kids at all.
Why do I do this every year. Buy fertilizer, seed, stone and flowers. SO
far the snow just melted and I have already bought every thing and anm
ready to do this. I have spent $50 on flag stone and $30 on seed. Is this
a man thing ? I have alreadu taked a chain saw to the tree ain the back and
have removed limbs to increase the light in the back. I know the dog and I
will have words this year. He is a Jack russel terrier and beagle mix.
Terrier in latin means digger and so far he has lived up to his name.
Taken it out in the neighboor hood but the night gets so cold. I need some
warm nights.... soon 43 at night is still a hard ride. Feels like zero with
the wind.
Laters all
Thats all thats gone on with me in the past few days. I'm going to make
Chocolate Icecream tonight when I get home from work -- real coco and heavy
cream. Not good for you at all but ULTRA delicious. I also have to make a
meat sauce for pasta. I'm haveing the boys from work over on Sat night. So
Ill be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen tonight........ *wink

Hey N/A thanks for the virtual hug --

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

RIP Voodoo

I had to put my cat down today. I would often tell people he was my wifes
cat , but he was mine. I - rather he picked me as an owner/friend. When we
went to the shelter 8 years ago the attendant opened the door and he lept
out ond on to my chest. I looked at him and said yes you are ready to come
home with me now. He has always been good to me from the start. Loving me
with an unconditional love. Never wanting anything more than a meal , water
and a little attention. He slept under the covers when it was cold in the
house and he even made friends with our dog. We wold often watch late night
movies together. One time he scared me while I was watching a horror movie.
-- The Vet was respectible and very nice. She gave him both shots and let
me have time alone with him. I was in tears but I kept scratching his head
even after he was gone. I collected his body and wrapped it in a baby sheet
placed him in a nice wine box and burried him in the front yard. We are
going to replant a flower bed out side the window he would hang out at. I
never had a cat before. I will miss him. Good bye Voodoo.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Spring forward

Did you remember ??? how many flashing 12's were there in your house? Did you wake up 1 hour late today?