Friday, April 21, 2006


I just got through watching V for Vendetta. The similarites between the movie and the State of the United States is spot on. America is woud so tight you can feel it. Gas prices are soaring, Americas belief in George W is 33% , illeagles are in the spot light, inflation is increasing, the houseing bubble is about to pop, crime in on the increase , the hatered and mis trust for any foreigner, any one different is bad, homosexuals are evil, Homeland Security feels wrong. There are protests in the streets these will soon turn in to riots. Please understand I am only refelecting views that are on the minds and hearts on very scared americans. Something is going to happen and it will not be pretty. I remember on 2000 I was waiting for a train on my way to work and I saw 4 Army tanks on a train going twords the City of Chicago. I felt a chill go down my spine. I have those same chills right now....

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