Friday, November 24, 2006

sounds and sights....

Its funny sometimes when you hear smell or see something in your life that takes you back years in your own life. In the past few days I have noticed a few things about my self .... When I sneeze I sound like my own father. I know I have his nose and eyes and some times when I look in the mirror I can almost see him in my own face. Its not a bad thing. I know I have my moms legs and yes bad knees and joint pains. (thanks mom! !) - I wonder what things my boys will see in their own faces to remind them about me when they are older.
-- Smells -- My dad used to use a pomade in his hair when he was my age now. It was green and came in a jar. I do know not its name but when i was at my moms house for thanksgiving I went looking for an old jar ot it to keep for my self. Its stupid but the smell of it makes me a kid again. - Some kids grow up with the smell of Old Spice to remind them about dad I had green stuff in a jar.
-- Im tired boys and girls and need some sleep time before I start the wonderful world of auto sales again. Wish me luck.

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