Friday, December 01, 2006
I've said it before.... I've reached a certain age in my life when I see myself attending the wakes and funerals of my friends parents. I've passed the wedding stage and in most cases the birth of the first child. Now its an awkward time in life. I'm a little off today. I'm still recovering the whole chest cold thing. Chicago got hit with about a foot of snow. Ice below and above that didn't help either. Any ways, last night I attended the wake for the father of a friend of mine. It was in the South side of Chicago and held in a baptist church. It was very odd for me there was singing and praising. I joked with a friend of mine and asked him after it was all over to keep my own service shot and sweet. Take my corpse out drinking and cremate me in the morning. I would be happy if you would all just tell the others that attend 1 story on how I made your life a little better or just happy or even made you laugh for 1 second. I tried to get through life with hurting people and I have failed at that. I know that I have made each person that has met me laugh at least once. At least I did that right. -- Sorry folks Wakes , funerals and the idea of being forgotten throws me off. Good night.
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