Daily cycles; sun goes up and it goes down.Have breakfast go to work and come home. Weekly cycles; mow the grass and take care of laundry. Monthly cycles ; the moon waxes and wanes. New moon to full and back again 28 days. Yearly cycles; the spring thaw, the greening of leaves, warmth and growth , cooling and rains the the snow. Follow that again and again. If you close your eyes you will miss life going by. First by days then weeks and finally by years. The Cicadias are back again. They cycle every 17 years. I was 21 when they were here last. I knew everything then, or at leats I though so.I went out almost every day with my friends and life was good. 1990 was an interesting year. Life was changing and a new decade was upon us. Life was good. Life was less complex I though of me and me alone. No girlfriend, no family no kids just me and what happens for me. Where can I get my next beer and gyro. The simple life.
As I'm growing older im looking in to cycles that I did not see before. Now its birth , growth , adult and finaly death. Ive seen my friends grow in to men and women, marry and divorce, have kids and even bury a parent. Cycles are somtimes so short you will not notice them. I'm growing older and looking in to the long view now. I spooked my son yesterday as we played in the park. I told him that he and his brother had better get along. After I'm gone its just them two to take care of each other. I could see it in his eyes. He was afraid. It passed as we played in the park, but I know what crossed his head. ...... I guess that was too much of a long view.