Tuesday, May 22, 2007

in dreams...

Zombies, infected, runners with flakey crackley skin. Arrrg why do I watch those movies. I'm just waking up and wanted to put it down. I'm in a cabin a nice one thats set in an urban environ. A lot of my friends are there as it starts to go loopy. They did get Fred. He looked at me and smiled then his eyes got very sad as he realized what had happened. His skin blistered and split. The space in between turned black. I grabbed this homeless zombie that had bit Fred and kept banging his head against a red dumpster. Boom boom boom it echoed as it fell apart. I left and made it to the cabin back to shut the windows and kill all the lights. I could hear the moaning outside.... I don't mind those dreams some are better than the movies I watch but I wake up in a sweat with my heart pounding.

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