Monday, January 28, 2008

Bad 1's and zero's.

So I actually have time to read at work today. What do I wind up reading??
The Stand. Its an older book but I have it in a PDF format. Not even on
paper its all digital now. I started chuckling that there is no day that I
do not involve my self with a computer. I guess I first went on line in
1996 and have been there ever since. I have some tech in my life and others
have way more. Cell phone, pagers ( remember those?) ,i pod, cd players,
dvd player, computer broadband, black berry, gps, text messages, wi fi and
more. Some days I just leave every thing off and live the life style of
pre-1996. No cell and only cable tv. Even then I'll leave the TV off and
listen to the radio or read. Some of my friends need to be connected 24/7.
I enjoy the older lifestyle. I like the lifestyle of the 1950s. The only
thing I would add on to that would be internet access at a library. Outside
of that I would be ok. No Facebook, myspace or blogs. The one thing that
would die off would be ways to express your self with out sitting down with
a typewriter...... Hmmm

I dont know - I guess part of me longs for slower days. Letters not just
bills delivered in your mail box, Reading the news paper, Radio, no IMs ,
no text message. The Simple life..... ha I know the simple life was not
simple. I guess the grass is always grenner even if it is digital....

HEY what ever panned out with VR? I guess I'll pencil that in along with me
living on the moon, jet cars and Underwater cities......

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


"Treat bacon like caviar or it destroys the privilege."

Monday, January 21, 2008


The day seems longer and longer. I can't sleep well and I wake up stiff in
the joints. I must be sleeping funny because my right knee sometimes throbs
and wake me during the night. The kids have been sick, the wife has been
sick as well; fever, cough, sinus. I've been playing house nanny for the
past few days and fighting my own sickness. Doped up on ni'quill and
robotussin dm. My stomach is hungry but I also feel nausea as well. I have
not eaten well in about a week. SOme soup and french toast but nothing
really solid.
I'm burning the candle at both ends this last week. Its starting to
catch up with me. I got the feeling that once they get better at home I'll
wind up getting sick as a dog. I almost feel like I'm looking through my
own eyes.... its hard to explain. As if my eyes were goggles and I'm
looking through them. Im also seeing things out of the corners of my eyes.
Weird movements and shadows that are not really there. I hate this feeling.
It feels like this is what the onset of maddness feels like.

You know what I want right now......I want to take a hot bath with some
scented bath bombs and just chill. I want to listen to a book on
tape/cd/mp3 (whatever). I just want to be alone for a few days. Nothing
wrong with that? eh?

Saturday, January 19, 2008


It hits you in the face like a hammer. You walk outside and can feel it
draining the life from you like some sort of Sci-fi monster. Every thing
you carry feels sharper, yu can feel the edges on boxes, the straps on
plactic bgs and weight of all items. Your skin feels thinner, itchy and it
hurts within a minute of being outside. You should dress in armored layers;
undies,long johns, thermal socks, t shirt, thin shirt, shirt, light wind
jacked, fleece , fall jacket with windproof parka over the top, wrist
wraps, gloves and a hat (with 3 more in the car "just in case I lose one).
That list is what I wear outside at work. Its not the cold so much as the
wind that drives the air temps down. I was in a car today and yes it was
nasty cold inside, but outside the wind was near unbearable.
Why do I live in the Chicagoland area? Why do I do this every year? I
swear I don't know..... I hope you all stay warm and comfy. Peace

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Sick ...... It just won't go away. Every one in the house is ill or gets
slightly better and then gets worse. Kids then me then the kids then my
wide then the kids......arrrggggg it just wont stop. It sounds like a TB
ward at home.
Its probably the weather change that triggered the whole mess. The few days
of 60 degrees in January then a good chill down aftwerwards... Its a mess.
I'm OK so far. Just OK. Headache and a sore throat but OK. Hmmm mm good
halls taste good.
Thats me just venting on the stir-crazy of winter + sick time. Im getting a
little loony with out the Sun in the sky and constant cough at the
house.... I know its not just me, others at work are in the same boat with
the winter blues and sickness.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Resolutions 2008

Well 2008 is here. I actually managed to stay up for is and have a drink. I
heard pots and pans, fireworks and what I am assuming gun fire as well. The
snow made it seem like the year is starting over like a new page or
parchment. Then the reality set in I had to go outside and shovel and salt
the walk and drive. Thats OK too. Its sweat equity in your home. More than
just the $$$ you put in to the house.

I have a few resolutions that I will try to keep through the new year. None
too lofty (I hope).

- Get down to 225-235 pounds by Late September
- spend more time with my kids ; playing as well as school time
- spend more time with my nephew - he's a good kid and I want to be a part
of his life.
- spend more time with my family as a whole ; Mom , dad and the rest. My
Grandmother is 95, she strong but the clock is always moving forward. I try
to send pictures of my kids and write to her. The sad part is my uncle that
takes care of her told me that I'm the only one that sends her cards and
- the kicker is to look younger than I am. I'm 39 and I would like to look
like I'm 28-35. I guess I want to say is to take care of my self a little
better. Eat better and less (portion control). It will be hard with the
gray in the hair and beard.
- This one is hard to control; is to see more of my friends. All of them.
My work schedule make this one very very hard to do. Many hold parties on
Saturdays or Sundays. With only one real day off a week it make s it hard
to get to. Time to do things for me and to see them is always short.
-I said this one last year and I failed; To actually take time off and take
a vacation; even if its to stay home and fix/paint/sleep/BBQ/read in short
anything!! I still have 38 hours that I did not use from last year. Sure
I'll get paid for them but I could have and should have taken the time off.

I guess that these are generally the resolutions of 99% of the people who
do them. I hope I keep at least one by years end.

Peace and hope in the New Year.

--I scrapped the photo/weightloss blog. My camera is too old and big to
haul around with me to take snap shots. My phone takes pics but again its
an older one that does not down load to a hard drive. I'm trying to write
more in the new year. I have a project that I am going to try. Its a take
off of the movie with Michael Keaton. I forgot the title but he leave
videos to his kids while hes dying of cancer. I want to leave letters to my
sons and nephew. The Project is tentatively called ; Open letters on
becoming a man. I'll post the site in the next few days. Thanks again.