The Stand. Its an older book but I have it in a PDF format. Not even on
paper its all digital now. I started chuckling that there is no day that I
do not involve my self with a computer. I guess I first went on line in
1996 and have been there ever since. I have some tech in my life and others
have way more. Cell phone, pagers ( remember those?) ,i pod, cd players,
dvd player, computer broadband, black berry, gps, text messages, wi fi and
more. Some days I just leave every thing off and live the life style of
pre-1996. No cell and only cable tv. Even then I'll leave the TV off and
listen to the radio or read. Some of my friends need to be connected 24/7.
I enjoy the older lifestyle. I like the lifestyle of the 1950s. The only
thing I would add on to that would be internet access at a library. Outside
of that I would be ok. No Facebook, myspace or blogs. The one thing that
would die off would be ways to express your self with out sitting down with
a typewriter...... Hmmm
I dont know - I guess part of me longs for slower days. Letters not just
bills delivered in your mail box, Reading the news paper, Radio, no IMs ,
no text message. The Simple life..... ha I know the simple life was not
simple. I guess the grass is always grenner even if it is digital....
HEY what ever panned out with VR? I guess I'll pencil that in along with me
living on the moon, jet cars and Underwater cities......