Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Sick ...... It just won't go away. Every one in the house is ill or gets
slightly better and then gets worse. Kids then me then the kids then my
wide then the kids......arrrggggg it just wont stop. It sounds like a TB
ward at home.
Its probably the weather change that triggered the whole mess. The few days
of 60 degrees in January then a good chill down aftwerwards... Its a mess.
I'm OK so far. Just OK. Headache and a sore throat but OK. Hmmm mm good
halls taste good.
Thats me just venting on the stir-crazy of winter + sick time. Im getting a
little loony with out the Sun in the sky and constant cough at the
house.... I know its not just me, others at work are in the same boat with
the winter blues and sickness.

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