Tuesday, November 11, 2008

messiah complex......

**Its been a bit over a week since the election of the new messiah. It
almost seems that way with the amount of people crying and praising him
before he's even in the white house. People treat it as the second coming.
People hording newspapers with his section in it. I just want to be sure it
is not about a skin color. In the back of my head I pray thats not all it
I was happy that the candidate I voted for was in, but to see the
celebration in grant park and the faces....I just don't get it. Maybe I'm
too jaded too old to hope for something better. I see every person in off
as a jerk. I voted for whom I thought was a good candidate for gov of
Illinois, but was he any better?? not really.
I watched south park and I hope you all did too. Cries of Change echoed
through south park as obama was elected. I think people want it too change
all at once. The reality of it is that even things were done first day he
is in office it would be years before they are done. Getting the boys out
of the war will take 2 years at best. To pump the economy to levels before
the summer....2 yrs??
Maybe its the weather, maybe its me being a cynic...yea he's a ba$tard,
but he's my ba$tard.... Good or bad I helped put him in there. I guess it
also give me the right to complain if things go more sour...... The old
regime is dead and long live the new flesh....I things went so far left
with this vote that the republican party will be force to really revamp
their thinking in candidates as well as core groups to focus in. 2nd
generation and third Latinos, blacks that are well off, disenfranchised
business owners. People who took a bath in their 401 k's.... women. I think
women will be more of a focus group in the next round. Not just to put a
pretty face infront of the camera , but to really look at problems...

anyways--- peace, drive safe and dress warm.....

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