Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Gallup poll....

Prudes.........cloning wrong? death penalty? divorce? fur? - I'm hard
pressed to consider mant acts wrong. However you hurt a child and you have
a whole world of hurt about to happen.....

Where we stand
Ninety-two percent of Americans who responded to a recent Gallup poll say
having an affair is morally wrong, more than any of these other deeds:

Divorce: 30 percent say it's wrong

The death penalty: 30 percent

Buying and wearing clothing made of animal fur: 35 percent

Gambling: 36 percent

Medical research using stem cells from human embryos: 36 percent

Medical testing on animals: 36 percent

Sex between an unmarried man and woman: 40 percent

Having a baby outside of marriage: 45 percent

Gay or lesbian relations: 47 percent

Doctor-assisted suicide: 56 percent

Abortion: 56 percent

Cloning animals: 63 percent

Suicide: 80 percent

Cloning humans: 88 percent

Polygamy: 91 percent

Married men and women having an affair: 92 percent

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