Tuesday, October 20, 2009

working with wood..

**Its been a bit since I've posted , but I have been busy. I have been busy sanding and restoring a vintage long bow for my son. I found it in eBay and I thought it was agood deal.... if it does not snap on me. It's 48 inches long and made of hickory. I did som re search on the company that made it and I believe it was made in the late 40's early 50's. No warp on limbs and no deep marks. I spent about 5 hours in sanding and removing a lot of age from the bow. The next step was in smoothing. I sanded with a 100, 225 and 330 git papers in succession ubtil it was smooth with out taking off mass.
The next step was more complex ; making a finish for it. I could have used a varnish, shelac or urithane. I chose to be green about this; I made a wax finish out of bees wax and olive oil. It took me a while to get it right so the oil would get in to the wood and leave a good shine. All without being tacky to the touch..... Between thing and his new arrows he's set to shoot.... I'll post pics asap... I'm proud of this.... I just ordered a  flemish string so we should be shooting this week end.

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