Saturday, February 27, 2010

funeral for a friend

I went last night to the wake and it was just filled with what i didn't like, people from my home town.  I saw my school mate in the casket and even though he was dead and I have not seen him in the better part of 20+ years , I could still see the child in his face. I could see the kid I grew up with. The boy that we played softball in the alley with. The kid who we had snuck beers in to the 8th grade dance. The kid who was not dead.
    His face looked bloated and his hands looked stiff. My Uncles hands had looked the same way. I guess the hands of the dead look that way. 
   Again I had too many zombie thought floating through my head as I went up to the casket to say good bye.
  No one wants to go to a wake, buts its a responsibility that we all eventuality have to do. To show respect for the living.

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