Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Kona - 5 years old

I had to put my second dog to sleep 2 weeks ago.... I don't really know what happened to her .  She had stopped eating all of a sudden. I guessed that one day or two days was ok. Like a stomach bug. She vomited up some grass and bile. On the fourth  day we took her in to the vet and had blood work done. They had given her some gel under the skin that is like vitamins and electrolytes.  The next day she drank some chicken broth, milk on the following days and then again nothing. She had dropped nearly 7 pounds quickly. She was not moving but in good spirits. She still stayed with the kids she still sat with me and she still smiled when called.  I made arrangements to have her put down. The vets had no clue even with blood work and x-rays showing nothing. The kids took her for one last walk that day. I ran her with a ball and quickly stopped as I could see her legs were hurting. I picked her up and could feel her bones.  We drove to the vet and she sat in my lap as they gave her the injections. I held her close as I cried. Her last feeling in this world were of being loved and held. She had really become such a part of my family that I still look for her through the morning my routine. Good-bye Kona - I'll always love her.

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