This year has been a real hard year for us with dogs. In April I had to put Nixon down , he grew old and well had the problems of a very old dog. A little over a month ago I put my other dog Kona down - she had issues that the vets could not find or define. She had gone for 9 days with out eating anything solid. She was only five years old. Both were heart breaking losses.
The house just seemed cold and empty with out a dog in the house. After some hard searching at the local shelters we found a new dog. His name is Chaser. Part Australian Cattle dog, part lab/pit bull/stegosaurus mix. He's about a year and a half old and was in the shelter for 145 days before we took him home. He had "black dog " syndrome... The shelter ladies say that black dogs and cats are teh last to be adopted . The boys have already taken to him and he had taken to the boys really well. We each put our name choice in a hat and drew from it ... I lost , but I'm still happy with the name. He's quiet and loves bacon....
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