Monday, April 18, 2011

Fwd: post st pattys

late but still good...
well its a successful St Patty's .. no one wound up in jail- I hope we all made it home safe last night....  We learned several things last night ..... Kelly's technology window goes back to about 1986 to 1994 at best... Salad at the Bar is defiantly a chick thing and at best a great album name..... Japanese zombies are only a matter of days away .... Nicole stole Aarons chicken tenders .... Jeff is not to be trusted in ordering food for a table  unless its appetizers.... Irish car bombs are tasty and the iraqui carbomb is a bad name for a drink and a great way to chip your teeth ..... tony grz  has wayyyy to much time to fiddle with his muzic online... Alex q is a name thief... its good to be hugged by a cuban in a bar....  Bizzaro Tommy goes wayyy over the head of too many people.... we need to get together and make a great scam to make money from japan (radiation crystals) and sex bibs may be a great possible online sell...

Love ya all folks - Truth be told I'd go through the gate of hell for you fuckers or at least these gates....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I hate spiders

... Im a big boy and have no issue killing them in my house. Outside there on their own. Yesterday I had a real bad run in with one.... I was about to shower and I stripped down bare assed naked (sorry about the visiual)  and I needed to pee. So instead of you folks who pee in the shower I went in the can .. So I'm naked , junk in hand and pee-ing.. I suddenly fely somthing crawling on my ass. I knew it was a spider. I started slapping my rear first with the right hand then with the left .... at the same time I had let go of my junk and pee was going everywhere. Like a firehose out of control. I hate spiders... I stood there laughing like I was insane after it all happened. I just did not believe it happened... I just stopped and grabbed towels and Mr. clean and proceeded to now clean my bathroom.. I hate spiders... Happy monday to all