Sunday, February 27, 2005

. Posted by Hello

I have this friend that I love like a brother. We beat on each other and knock on each other every chance we get. But truth be told there is no one else I would have in my corner than him. So last Sunday we make plans to go see Constantine at the show on Thursday. I get a text from hin at 11 am asking me to bring him PORN. I laughed my ass off. But like a true friend I fired up the PC and downloaded some moveis for him. When I got home form work I burned them on cd and gave them to him at the show. He's always been a junkie for porn. FREAK..... LOL ..

To the ladies that are Cubs fans.... Tickets went on sale. I hope you got yours. --R Posted by Hello


Nothing like the smooth delicious taste of a Winston light...... Posted by Hello

Hey I owed you a monkey and this was all I had.....

Friday, February 25, 2005


It always happens this time of year near Easter. When The chrisitans come out to play. I have always kept my faith close to me and generally quiet. I have never loved the Roman Catholic Church so I became Lutheran when I turned 21. Thats when I evolved in to my faith. My Aunt once told me that God is like a child. "He " is still trying to learn everyting again so he lives through us and every thing in the universe. Every sensation from the pain of birth to a lovers simple touch needs to be learned again. Kinda weird that where I kinda am in religion at this moment. Not in to the Jesus right about now. To me hes just been a man nothing more nothing less. A great teacher but thats about it. I know Im just rambeling at this moment I'm just feeling kinda lost right now and the Church is not helping any. Now don't get me wrong I'm not anti chrisitan I just dont like it right now. Maybe its Pres Bush and the religious right i'm not digging on right now. Telling me what Should be in movies and books. WHat video games should be in Walmart or where they should be sold. Arrg kinda just pissed at the world for being stupid.. A couple of weeks ago I had a repete customer He made over $100K selling womans shoes at Norstrams (sp?) . His wife looked at me and said they pray every night to Jesus that he does not get any returns so he wont lose any money. I wanted to slap her. I lost all respect for this lilly white peice of shit sitting in my office. (dont get me wrong - I love all colors !!) I kinda chuckled when it came back that they could not finance a can of pop. In my office I have had people hug me when I sold them cars. That way they can go to school or drive to work. They were happy for that 2000 tarus w/ 45K miles that they know that runs. - People have screwed up sence of values. I need to meditate. Its been a good year since Ive been able to do that and refocus back to zero. Thats what I need to do. TAke a day and recenter. - Hey its late , Im tired and just needed to vent to no one in particular. -- Peace

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

 Posted by Hello

a heavy dose of sadness.

In the Church that we attend we have a bond with all the people that attend there. It is a small Church so every body knows everybody. This on Wednesday a child of one of the families that attend came down with bacterial menengitis. He had died on Sunday night. This hit close to home. He was very young 11 years old. He watched our kids at the church while services go on. He helped in the Church fund rasing carwash. He was too young. He was a good kid. God I hate talking about someone in the past tence. LAst week he was at school laughing now he is gone. When I found this out yesterday I felt horrified on how quickly it came on. - I can't even describe how close to home this is. Hold your little ones close. Say a prayer that they live old enough to dance at their grand kids weddings. -- Night all

Monday, February 21, 2005

Runnng on fumes

Late night for me. I went out with the boys Uncle tommy and his cousin Mark. We watched lots of violent near asian kung fu movies and played the night away. We devoured a big ol box of Popeyes and I came home roughly 230am . now no big deal I didnt drink a drop so I knew that a few coffees and I would be right as rain. WRONG. The baby woke up w/ a fever. Hes been sick foe about three days. The drs office took forever to call back. I decided to stay home today and thats cool the kids need a lil daddy time when their sick too. Arrg had customers call me onmy cell so I had to reschedual all of those. I am hoping that my collegues can close the deal as goo as I can otherwise its a waste of a contact for me. - Even when I'm not working im working. The lil one is doing better - no where near 100% maybe 60% but I'll take it today. The older one is not sick -- knock on wood. Thats all I need two boys down w/ an illness. -- Take care of yourself there is a bug thats going around.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Aloe Vera clinic

I walked in to the restrauant looking for a bite to eat. It was next to the aloe vera clinic. The clinic was filled to tons of old people. Thats where I met her. She was about 5'5 with curly red hair and white skin. We kissed and she started to remove her black sweater. Sliky white bra and panites made me smile. What sent me over the edge was the ring with a pearl in her navel. She ran her fingers through my hair as we kissed and I touched her body ...... OK Not the usual fare for this blog , but it was a dream. Now you may say so what I have sex dreams all the time. The truth be told is that I do not. It is sad to say but I have only have had a handful of sexy dreams in my life. Most of my dreams consist of horror shows and things that most would consider nightmareish. So when I woke up with this one it made me smile. Have I seen this woman before? No I have not. Maybe she's still at the Aloe Vera clinic .... Be good all and sweet dreams to you.

Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Saturday Eh?

Well Saturday is "game day" at work . The most amount of traffic comes through the doors and we sell the most amount of cars that day. Lst week we sold 62 cars on that Sat -- that is huge. A regular dealer will sell 20 units in a month. Now I've been dealing with a manic depressive customer for oner 2 and one half months. He has cried in my office and once called my before christmas on my voice mail to cry about christmas and how I dont know what its like to be alone (that was at 3 am) . Corperate heads and our legal department have their hands tied with him because he has not threatened me and has paid to transfer cars in to our store. But then he will not come in to buy them. So he loses money in the mean time. He calles me to ask about cars and if the car he brought in is still in. Leagal has told me that I can give up the customer and refuse to deal with him if I choose. I thought about it and declined it because I dont want any one else going through this. Arrg a glutton for punishment. In all it was just a day neither good or bad. I moved two units but it was just ok. The best part of the day was when I was selling a Jeep Wrangler to two gay guys . My they were fun to work with. As I was going through the points of the car like how to work the 4x4 system for heavy snow or mudding the stopped my . "Darling , do we look like guys who like to Mud in a jeep?" I laughed my ass of and so did they. He didnt care about the engine or anything else outside if he looked good in the Jeep. I smiled and said of course you do. I think I made him blush. --night all.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentines day...

To the ladies..........
I write special stories for special ladies. I enjoy it very much the writing of words that are just for you and you alone. I just wanted to take 1 min of your time to thank you for letting me touch you in your minds and hopefully in your hearts even if its for a brief second. By responding to my little stories you have given me somthing as well. You have kept a small spark alive inside me that I thought dead or lost. So to you -- The Warmest of hugs , the most delicious of kisses , the quickest of licks, the softest of touches and yes the occasional ass smack. With Love and a Devils smile. Ricardo...

Slut paddle wack...

To that special someone; I hope it made you smile..... Posted by Hello

Awww so cute....

No comment...... He he he Posted by Hello

A rose by any other name ....

If I could I'd send this to each of you... Posted by Hello

Friday, February 11, 2005

I need a nurse......

I need a nurse....... any takers? Posted by Hello

Arrrg I've been sick for the last week or so. But like a dumbass to I slow down or take a day off to rest.... NO. I can't freaking breathe. I cant smell so food does not seem appealing. The lack of breath make my work outs near impossible , I still do them but it takes twice as long because im hacking between sets. Ive drank who knows how much Meijers Cough syrup CF blech. I just cant seem to shake it. In my job im inside and out all day long so I know that does not help in the least. ---- Im sorry my posts in Ricardos log have been so spotty I just dont have energy at night because of this damn chest thing. I cant sleep because I cant breath , so I cant rest... Enough of me whining .... I'll stop now. Time for more cough meds and a big ass cup of tea. -- Night all

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Some can't handle their cock...... Posted by Hello

Happy New Year!!!

Man with Giant Cock Posted by Hello

In case your asking "what up w/ the big cock."? Its Chinese New Year!! Actually it was yesterday and I missed it. But it is the year of the COCK.
Sure some pC people may call it the year of the Rooster. I will refer to it as the year of the Cock. Somthing very Majistic about it. Say it; Cock. The way it rolls off the tounge. *wink*

Saturday, February 05, 2005

100% right.

Posted by Hello

ever have a day go completely RIGHT for you? I mean that 100% of the day went the way it was supposed to? I woke up and worked out before I started at 930. I felt awsome when I was done. My first appointment was on time had all the right paper work she needed and bought her car took about 2-3 hours flat including test drive and all signing. Had lunch - Italian sausage w/ potatoes in a gravy some alfredo pasta - Delicious. my second appointment showed a little late but called to tell me he was running late (thats super rare) bought his car and brought in a manager to rave about my servive the quality of my service and how I treated him and his wife w/ such respect that he is a customer for life. I almost blushed. The third appointment went great also, they did not buy a car but we reschedualed for tuesday. I left by 8 pm and the ran when I got home. -- The weather was awsome and the sun was out. Its been awhile since Ive seen it , I needed the light. --- Made me feel good. I hope that all your days were like mine today. -- Peace

Friday, February 04, 2005

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Tuesday, February 01, 2005