Sunday, February 20, 2005

Aloe Vera clinic

I walked in to the restrauant looking for a bite to eat. It was next to the aloe vera clinic. The clinic was filled to tons of old people. Thats where I met her. She was about 5'5 with curly red hair and white skin. We kissed and she started to remove her black sweater. Sliky white bra and panites made me smile. What sent me over the edge was the ring with a pearl in her navel. She ran her fingers through my hair as we kissed and I touched her body ...... OK Not the usual fare for this blog , but it was a dream. Now you may say so what I have sex dreams all the time. The truth be told is that I do not. It is sad to say but I have only have had a handful of sexy dreams in my life. Most of my dreams consist of horror shows and things that most would consider nightmareish. So when I woke up with this one it made me smile. Have I seen this woman before? No I have not. Maybe she's still at the Aloe Vera clinic .... Be good all and sweet dreams to you.

Posted by Hello

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