Friday, March 04, 2005

hillbilly jesus

I have just ended a email string with an old friend from high school. I have not seen this friend in 20 years , not he is praying for me because I have offended god. Please just fuck off. If I want prayers Ill go back to church on sundays. I guess he went to bible school and is not some half assed lay preacher or freak like that. I guess I should go back and say this started on a simple email string that his brother sent out on w be good now type of email. He responded back with THE TRUTH. blah blah blah . Jew are going to hell and muslims too etc gays and such.. I was so F'en pissed that I called him a hillbilly back wood fucker. He wrote back the he knows who I am. In stead of I remember you . He called me out. Now I have to show him what he fears in the dark.....

1 comment:

Mr Crane said...

too pissed off ... Religion is a hot topic with me. I respect all other faiths and am tending to dislike Republican Christianity more and more every day.