Friday, August 26, 2005

Gas wars....

Why does it feel like this when I go out to get gas? Mind you I drive a fairly efficeint car (a totota avalon ) 21c/30h. The Jeep is a little rougher 13/17h ((21 with my K and N filter)). Every two days I go out to check the tire pressure. Monthly I check the air filter and every week I check all the fluids. So I know my cars run top notch... But $60 fill up ? Come on its just not right. I know Im bitching and actually just blowing off steam. I also sell cars and I see these knuckle heads buying Hummers and big trucks as fashion plates. In less then 1 year they will come back crying and trying to sell their truck that no one wants to buy. ... A ford Excursion 44 gallon tank. At 2.80 / gal that equals ... about $123 per fill up and thats at about 10mpg...Arrrg lets get out of Iraq - lets watch China like a hawk (with a free market ((soon)) we will have another 500,000,000 drivers (China 1.2 billion people !!) So the need for gas will climb much much higher. I see $3.00 by 9/30......

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