Friday, August 05, 2005

just off a bit...

This is kinda the way I've been feeling the past few days. Just a little off. Nothing wrong with Mr. T in a sombero , but somthing off about the whole thing. Maybe its working in the freeking heat thats getting to me. - Last night I had a very weird dream about a friend and had a headache all day because of it. Had aonther dream about another close friend but cant put that one together. Now you may ask whats the big deal... The big deal is that I don't generaly dream (i know we all dream ) I do not remember the dreams. When I do its in ver vivid texture , color and sound-- details like a picture. -- It seems when I do dream my sleep is way off. -- A few years ago I went to a sleep clinic to fully diagnose my sleep apnia. It was at a hospital and I had to sleep there. Well there were a few conditions.. 1 I would be wired up to several computers -- 9 wires in my scalp and one on my fingers. 2 they would video tape the whole 8 hour of me sleeping.... They found out a few things about me. #1 Most people take anywhere from 40 to 65 min to fall asleep in that environment. It took me 4 -- not a typo 4. #2 inside of 6 min I was in full REM sleep. -- I didnt remember any dreams that night either .. and I had 6 of them (recorded) .... ANy whooo Im off to bed to try this again.

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