Saturday, October 29, 2005

A holiday monkey....

This blog used to see much more monkies actually amost one per post. I have been lax in my monkey post. Here's one that just might make a way cool tattoo for me.... (Please note tattoo copyrighted by Mr. Crane)

Rambo 3

A question was posted to me in my last posting ... Why Rambo 3?? In truth I only just recently watched it for the first time last year. It was not a very good movie. Here is the story. It was 1988 and I was in college. my then girl friend was from the North side of the city. Very Polish, very strict family with a tight curfew ( As least during school nights). Me? I was foot loose and fancy free. I was living on a 24 hour a day life style. I had just got a job working at a Bank in the Chicago Suburbs. It was a cool job and I was making Ok money. So I did what any red blooded American boy would do, I bought a car. That weekend I decided to take my girlfriend to see a movie at the drive-in in my new car. I think she hated my older car. (1976 Mercury Cougar) After deciding on what movie was playing we went to the show. I snuck in a few beers and we bought a tub o pop corn. Well one think lead to another and we had sex in the back seat of the car while Rambo 3 played on. The heavy ass metal speakers hung in the window while we did the hibbity bibbity. The explosions the gunfire and me being lazy afterward and making her get me a soda after we were finished (insert evil laugh here) ,SO thats why Rambo 3 makes me laugh......
Please note not ever movies listed evded up in sex. Some were just a nice evening with a special girl. Enjoying each others company. Smiles laughs and frights.


Last night I watched Forrest Gump. Its been a very long time since I've watched the whole movie start to finish. That movie has some emotional heart strings for me. It is that last movie that I watched with an old girl friend. Its funny I don't really have too many songs that reming me of dates or girl friends , I have movies. Well there are a few songs but movies are what stand out in my mind. A two hour window in my life that I spent with a girlfriend sitting and holding hands in the dark of the theater. Somthing nice about that. Sometimes I wonder what songs/movies trigger memories about me in past girlfriends. I know an old college girlfriend told me that "Cold as Ice" reminded her of me ,because I was emotional cold as we broke up. As if it did not bother me. In truth I dont think I noticed until several months later, but thats a different story. Heres a list of movies that make me smile for one reason or another.....
Forrest gump, Rambo 3, New jack city, Man bites dog, Rocky Horror, Enemy Mine, Broken arrrow, Aliens, Cobra, Ghost in the shell.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Well I got my Bill for a Cat Scan...... ready???? $3000 ... Shit I paid less thatn that for the motorcycle. Thank God for Insurance.... I knew it was expensive but come on. The lovely orange shit that I had to drink cost $300 (well that could have been the Iodine shot??) I hate reading the medical bills. --- I actualy took the bike out around the neighborhood. Damn I was very nervous. I need to shake this off..... I have the skills to ride and the mental know how. I just feel kinda scared... I can't do too much more this year. I'm preping to put it away for the Winter.
I'm going away for a week to wonderful Wichita, Kansas. I'm a mentor where I work. Thats like being a trainer for sales. The Company where I work is opening up a new store there. While not a glamorous place it will show up as a good notch in my work record. So in that sence its cool its also cool that they did ask me. A few months ago I was ranked #6 in the nation for the company as top mentors. Im going the tuesday after Thanksgiving. I think it will be fun Im overlapping a few days with some guys from work. Maybe we'll get drunk and rock Wichita to the foudations... (right......).
I have to say I'm tired. Watching the SOx has left me drained. My leg/heal hurts It's better but it still hurts when I walk. Emotionaly I kinda feel weak. I know thats is the darkness thats comming. The WInter Sun setting in and the gray skys settling in. I think that in some crazy way I would love to sleep for a week. I slept once for about 24 hours... I was very sick and woke up to pee during the day. I drank some water and went back to bed. I had crazy feavered dreams that dwarfs wanted to steal my brain and replace it with missile that would fire in to the USSR (it was 1983 ). When I woke up from that its when I found out that I am prone to migranes. The Dr. said thats what happened. Thats why I could not see and light hurt my eyes and head. Ok faithful readers Im going to bed.... If your in Chicago I know you are tired and also need your rest. Ladies Ricardo will be back after he rests up from all the excitement from the Sox win.

For the Cubs fans....

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Maybe next year?? NOTE; this is not a slam but and honest wish that Chicago can shake off all of its curses. I would love to see the Cubs do it next year, the bulls come back and I would cry if the Bears could do the shuffle part 2......

What a night....

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Went to the local wild wings and saw the Sox Sweep the win. The whole place went up. I was beaming. What did piss me off though was a few assholes chanting CUBS SUCK CUBS SUCK. What the fuck is wrong with you. This is a night and a win for Chicago. A frined of mine who is a huge Cubbie was there and gracefully shook everyones hand at the table and we told him "Maybe next year for the Cubs..." - Thats the way it should be.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005


What the fuck am I doing? I never watch Tv for more than a few hours at a time. I have just finnished watching a five hour base ball game its one freaking thirty in the am and I have finnished watching the SOX winn theor 3rd game. One more to go. Its cool to go from being the butt end of jokes for supporting a very blue collar team that was in the Cubs shadow to being one game from the top. ... If any one is reading the I'm going to bed. ---- Oh yea .... N/A .... Happy 30th..

Friday, October 21, 2005

Scan my cat.......

Well it's been 2 weeks since my motorcycle accident and I finally went ot the Doctor. In the past few weeks I was using a cane to hobble around. The knee has almost healed up from the road rash. My hand is also healed up. My heal still hurts but it is a whole lot better. Now comes the belly.... at first it hurt from where the handle bars hit it. Then it had some swelling that soon developed. That developed into a swelling that is about the size of an orange. The swelling is kinda like a waterbaloon that is under the skin. -- The Doctor said it may me either a hernia or just a hematoma , but I needed to go have a cat scan done. The only time that was open that day was at 9:30. When I got there they loaded me in to the machine and injected me with Iodine. My body came over with a warm rush. the in about 10 minutes it was over. The Dr called me from his office and told me that it was just a Hematoma. The blood will be reabsorbed in to my body inside of a month or so. They cam not drain it because if a vein is/was torn I could still bleed a little. ..... Well it looks like I will not be riding this year. I will now be able to put the bike up for storage. ... Sad about that but happy that I will not need surgury for a hernia...

Monday, October 17, 2005

on to the big show.....

for charity,dana,girl of summer N/A and all the other ladies ot there ... Go white sox... Ricardo

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

100 more done.....

1. I have broken my nose 3 times
2. I have competed in full contact martial art fight
3. I have almost gotten in to a fight with Scottie Pippen
4. I have shook hands w/ the Fridge in 1986
5. I have an autograph from Ike Turner..... (thats a story un to its self)
6. In my life time I have cut over 10,000 lbs of cheese. (worked in a cheese shop)
7. I write erotic stories for ladies....
8. When I was 25 I almost died. Took me 1 year to recover fully.
9. When I was alone in the woods once I felt a soft wind blow through my head and it felt like god touched me.
10. I have never been stung by a bee.
11. I have very few memories of me and my dad when I was a child.
12. I have never been to a Cubs game (go WHITE SOX!!)
13. I hate my real name (means Lion of God)
14. I prefer boxer briefs (they hold be just right)
15. I have a hard time becoming friends with White men.
16. I smoked a lot of pot in high school (A LOT!!!)
17. I bought a homeless man lobster bisque once.
18. I roll down the windows of my car and yell "Nice Ass!!" to unexpecting women.
19. I was almost a father in 1987.
20. I stuided to be a nurse.
21. I have broken up 2 engagements.
22. I have made love to a girlfriend , waited till she was sleeping , got dressed and went to a party had a ball then went back in to bed with her many hours later.
23. I hate my scars.
24. I love black cars. (have owned 3.)
25. Somedays I'd rather not go out with friends but almost feel like I need to make an apprarence.
26. I forget how old I am.
27. I don't care what people think about me.
28. I've bought earings for every girl that was special to me.
29. I'm uncut.
30. I get bored very easily.
31. I used a Ouja in graveyard.
32. I sometimes help people too much.
33. I was involved with a street gang when I was in
highschool (not a member)
34. I my dreams are usually nightmares.
35. I'm decended from a curadera/bruja (a healing witch).
36. The men on my dads side of the family can astral project.
37. In the last year I have had sex in a car.
38. I used to wish I was white.
39. I sometimes still do.
40. I like to make icecream.
41. I've never been lonley.
42. I have lied to a nun. (thats another story)
43. I once have gone for about 3 and a half days with out sleeping as a personal experement.
44. I'm afraid of shark toothed Jesus. (long story)
45. I like watching cartoons with my sons.
46. I don't rember my father telling me he loved me until I almost died.
47. My Uncle was a great influence on my life.
48. I love a good thunderstorm.
49. I love walking in the fog.
50. I have pulled my car over when I saw a man yelling at a woman on the side of the road. I scared the guy in to behaving.
51. I stand 6' tall and 270#.
52. I like smoking when I drink.
53. I almost caused a friend to lose a hand.
54. Sometime I watch my boys sleeping and just smile.
55. I used to wish I was smaller.
56. I somewimes anger very fast.
57. I cool off just as fast.
58. I love the movie Donny Darko
59. In a strange way I miss my cock piercing.
60. I used to have long black hair (now its buzzed cut)
61. I loved my time in College.
62. I slept in a sleep clinic while Dr's watched.
63. I have always felt awkward around women when I was younger.
64. I think about sex all the time.
65. I once mooned my highschool
66. I like to watch.
67. I hate swimming.
68. I don't want to die alone.
69. Boobies......
70. I don't feel unique.
71. I somtimes don't believe in GOd.
72. I often doubt the bible.
73. I like classical guitar.
74. I used to play the clarenet
75. I scored 100% on the science/math portion on the ACT exam
76. I didn't do so well in the writing portion.
77. I once tried to learn Russian.
78. Somedays I'm too lazy to shave.
79. Sometimes I buff my nails at work.
80. I am stuff of legend...
81. People believe that .. I own operate a porn site.
82. People bleieve that I was stabbed n a peurto rican knife fight.
83. That I was a Pro wrestler and or rodeo clown.
84. I like tabasco or somthing spicy in my popcorn.
85. I have self taught my self many skills- repair- mechanic - electric
86. I don't really like all of my friends.
87. I used to work for an ambulance company.
89. I have had only 1 one-night stand.
90. Sometimes when I sleep I dream that I am some one else- not just a role, but actually other people.
91. I have voted in every election since I was 18 years old.
92. I hate cheep beer.
93. I sometimes wish I was single.
94. I always spend $1.00 per week on the Lotto. (keeping my fingers crossed!!)
95. I like Scotch.
96. I really don't know any of my cousins.
97. I sometimes sleep in my car during lunchtime.
98. I used to keep a log of the dreams that I could remember.
99. Some days I don't care.
100. When the world is very still and If I close my eyes I can still taste her kiss.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

back on the horse.

Well true believers .... My heel is still hurting, my knee is still tore up and i have now a HUGE bruise on my belly ( about the size of 2 full hands). The scrape on the hand is fine. --- I'm walking w/ a cane. I feel like the guy from the dead zone. -- Well today I took my new cycle out for a ride. It was a short ride and my knee was killing me from the position it was in. The ride got me through 3rd gear (30 mph). I'll tell you kids .... I was kinda frightened. I could picture the bike getting out from under me again. The ride was on for about a mile or so. ... I did good. If the kenn was better and I had more confidence in my leg I would have been happier. - Not too much riding in this season. I hope I heal a little faster so I can take advantage of a few more rides before winter.

100 things...done

I've seen this done in other blogs I just wanted to see if I could list 100 things about my self that were just about me.

1. I have always found my self unattractive.
2. I have a love and understanding for wines,cheeses and foods that very few do.
3. I am not afraid of dying.
4. I have a fear of being forgotten.
5. I only grill with charcoal. (I have very little respect for men who cook w/ gas.)
6. I can cook and grill very well. (was called the god of grilling by many friends)
7. I prefer deep red wines. (Pinot Noir, super tuscans)
8. I have never dated within my own race/Nationality (many from east europe??)
9. I like to make cocoa crispies w/ chocolate milk.
10. I do not have erotic/sexual dreams. (Not quite true, about 1-2 a year tops)
11. I fear losing control.
12. I have three tattoos. An angel a devil and a Genisha.
13. I have had three piercings. 1 in each nipple and one through my penis.
14. I have danced in a gay bar with another man.
15. I have shown my penis for money and to win a bet. (won several beers!!)
16. I have hit some on walking with my car.
17. I have gone for days with out speaking.
18. I enjoy the quiet.
19. I prefer smaller breasted woman. b-c cup
20. I find legs and hips sexy.
21. A womans eyes can capture me. A great smile will kill me.
22. I did not kiss a woman until I was 16.
23. I bought my first car when I was 15.
24. I hate being photographed.
25. I have had 4 dogs and three cats in my life.
26. I enjoy sci fi movies
27. I don't think I have ever been proud of my self.
28. I have not finished college.(Yet)
29. I have a crushed vertabre in my spine.
30. I have a high pain threshold.
31. I have undergone three operations.
32. I have held a gun to my own head.
33. I can drive stick shift.
34. I have owned 7 cars.
35. I hate raw onions.
36. I can't dance.
37. I'm a good teacher.
38. I have danced on Elvis' grave.
39. I can do a simple tune up on most cars.
40. I have a great memory.
41. I love dark beers or Weiss beers.
42. I like to fly kites.
43. I love chocolate icecream.
44. I had my first comunion when I was 21.
45. I can shoot a gun well. (.357)
46. I shoot a bow very well (25 yrs-30 yrds)
47. I can tolerate the cold very well.
48. I have night mares about my surgury.
49. I used to meditate quite often.
50. I believe in things that ca't be explained by science.
51. Not too many freinds know who I really am inside.
52. I have dual citizenship.
53. I own a grave plot.
54. I used to cut my self when I was a teenager.
55. I enjoy Superhero cartoons.
56. I almost set my house on fire when I was 7 (or so)
57. I have 2 boys.
58. I have a sister that I love
59. I have a half brother that I have never met.
60. I often go for hours with out music just to hear the noise of the world.
61. I enjoy my coffee Boston style- heavy cream heavy sugar
62. I like sushi
63. I like Indian food
64. I make a mean tandori chicken.
65. I know how to polish shoes (the old fashioned way)
66. I know how to ride a motor cycle (still learning)
67. I sometimes when no one is home I just like to nap.
68. I worked for an Ambulance company as an EMT.
69. Boobs.....
70. I like dark music NIN, Front 242 and heavy metal
71. I used to be a certified CPR instructor.
72. I was born in Texas
73. I secretly hate Texas.
74. I can speak Spanish.
75. I lost my virginity in a drunken 3 way
76. I have never broken up with a girl - I was always the dump-ee
77. I was arrested (just brought in to jail) only once. I was 12.
78. I used to sell pot in High school for weekend money
79. I had very few friends as a child. I have more from High school and college
80. I was in fights almost daily in 7th and 8th grade.
81. I was used by a woman for sex....1 week before she was married.
82. I was told that I had a beautiful penis (blush)by a lover.
83. I love taking a woman from behind.
84. I love to look in to a lovers eyes when they orgasm.
85. I love oral sex. some times more on the giving side.
86. I love when a woman dresses for sex.
87. I like chocolate milk.
88. I used to drive for hours by my self just to be alone.
89. I have used LSD.
90. I want more tattoos. (3 planned...)
91. I am afraid of going crazy. (again losing control)
92. I find it hard to take a complement.
93. I think that the loss of potential is the biggest crime that I have commited against my self.
94. I want to be cremated when I die.
95. I do not have any guilt.
96. Sometines I think I am emotionaly cold.
97. I dream in vivid color.
98. Im a grower not a show-er
99. I miss my Uncle.
100. I don't know if I will ever be happy in my own skin.

Some day I will put down 100 more. but thats enough for tonight

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Vroom Vroom pt 3

WOW -- so I picked up the bike today ... already had a crash. banged up my left leg, heel , knee and hand. I over throttled the new bike and hit a median. got thrown. Yes I had my helmet on. A good friend rode my bike home for me and I got my self patched up whenI got home. The heel got the worst of it even though the knee looks real bad. Road rash... The bike I learned on was 200 cc the new on is 750 cc so I underestameted the throttle responce.... my bad ( damn real bad). I feel like such a dumb ass, but almost every biker has laid down their bike at one time or another.
The bike got away with only a broken mirror and a bent fairing bracket. Time to get the repairs skills to a test and also time to stay off the feet for a few days. Night all.


So I go to the Secretary of State (DMV) today to make it all official and get my M class licence. I walked in at (:20 in the am (they open up at 9 am) the place is packed to the rafters with people. Jammed and lines running everywhere. Lets see.... I saw an old person trying to get her licence - cant walk , cant use left hand and blind in one eye... oh yea she has not driven in 10 years.. I feel safe now. I also saw a Nazi scum bag and his oh so proud dad - Nice. The whole ordeal too just shy of 2 hours....... That was with out driving and written test. That was just for me to have a photo taken.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Vroom vroom pt 2

Man oh man... the last few says have been very hard and great at the same time. I signed up for this motorcycle saftey class a few months ago. These classes are free by the State , but would run you between $200-400 dollars in an other state. You do have to pay $20 to hold your spot and get a nifty T-shirt at the end. (even if you don't pass). They are 20-ish hours long and include 16-ish hours of ride time. From novice to expert will lean somthing from this class. Many people take the course to avoid having to take the State test. The State test is brutal and you have to take it on your bike. Many riders that have bigger bikes can not pass the U-Turn and swerve portions of the test on their larger CC bikes. It is long and physicaly tireing. -- At the end of it you take a test both driving and written. The test is done on smaller bikes 200cc or 250 cc, but it is still very technical. WHen you do pass you simply take the completion card that the instructors give you and turn it in at the DMV. They in turn give you your licence. The Sad truth is that many many riders out their do not have motor cycle licences and are self taught. A statistic is that about 90% of those riders will get in to a crash due to lack of training (swerve and coltrolled skid). Anyways if you have the time and 3 days to spend on a very cool skill to learn - DO IT!!