Man oh man... the last few says have been very hard and great at the same time. I signed up for this motorcycle saftey class a few months ago. These classes are free by the State , but would run you between $200-400 dollars in an other state. You do have to pay $20 to hold your spot and get a nifty T-shirt at the end. (even if you don't pass). They are 20-ish hours long and include 16-ish hours of ride time. From novice to expert will lean somthing from this class. Many people take the course to avoid having to take the State test. The State test is brutal and you have to take it on your bike. Many riders that have bigger bikes can not pass the U-Turn and swerve portions of the test on their larger CC bikes. It is long and physicaly tireing. -- At the end of it you take a test both driving and written. The test is done on smaller bikes 200cc or 250 cc, but it is still very technical. WHen you do pass you simply take the completion card that the instructors give you and turn it in at the DMV. They in turn give you your licence. The Sad truth is that many many riders out their do not have motor cycle licences and are self taught. A statistic is that about 90% of those riders will get in to a crash due to lack of training (swerve and coltrolled skid). Anyways if you have the time and 3 days to spend on a very cool skill to learn - DO IT!!
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