Tuesday, March 07, 2006


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This is a rant I will be using hateful language so if ya can't take it fuck off. ---- I am so sick of these fucking rug heads. 9/11 happens , oil prices go through the fucking roof , bombs wars and now because of fucking cartoons people are dying.... get the fuck out of the 7th god damn century you bastards. What kills me about these protsets is they are doing them in countries where you have the rights to do so. in their own god forsaken lands they would have been be headed for this. I saw a fucking sign of one of these protestors .... Freedom of speech os not part of our religion .... ok then go the fuck back. ...... Normally I stay out of the area of war and politics but I am a huge proponent of the first amendment that I will speak out about this. ..... Fuckers just make the whole mid east a glass parking lot

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