Its funny how technology changes your life. Today I am selling my fathers
old Super 8 projector to a friend at work. He wants it for some ols movies
that he has. -- We (my dad) has old super 8 movies of me back in 1980. I
think that may have been the last time its been used. He still had the
camera as well. I also know he has my first computer way back from 1982.
(yes I have always been a tec-geek). Some days I almost wish I was young
when my dad was young. To have a beer with him when his hair was dark and
he was younger than I am know. -- Photos are nice and so are movies but I
know my boys will only really remember me as an older man. .... I have to
back to my parents house an seel what I left there that are ghosts in my
closets. Old books and magazines. Items that I treasured as a kid and
forgot about. Things that i need to throw out and things that i need to
find. I am not that much of a geek that wants to buy back his childhood but
some days I look at e-bay and see what I used to play with. ---