Thursday, June 29, 2006

Super 8

Its funny how technology changes your life. Today I am selling my fathers
old Super 8 projector to a friend at work. He wants it for some ols movies
that he has. -- We (my dad) has old super 8 movies of me back in 1980. I
think that may have been the last time its been used. He still had the
camera as well. I also know he has my first computer way back from 1982.
(yes I have always been a tec-geek). Some days I almost wish I was young
when my dad was young. To have a beer with him when his hair was dark and
he was younger than I am know. -- Photos are nice and so are movies but I
know my boys will only really remember me as an older man. .... I have to
back to my parents house an seel what I left there that are ghosts in my
closets. Old books and magazines. Items that I treasured as a kid and
forgot about. Things that i need to throw out and things that i need to
find. I am not that much of a geek that wants to buy back his childhood but
some days I look at e-bay and see what I used to play with. ---

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Somethings is missing

Well welcome to summer and so far I have done nothing and have plans to do
nothing. I think I may go camping in Wis a little later. We'll see....
Nothing at the movies has thrilled me so far. Cards with the boys are a
distraction from the droll days. Even the motorcycle has not thrilled me. I
am feeling emotionally numb as of late. A kind of doldrum of sorts. No
highs and no lows. I almost feel like I'm, waiting for something to happen
and I don't know what that is. -- Life for me is going OK - Summer at work
is always good. My boys are good- nothing major happening with them. My
oldest is fighting me and not wanting to do his home work (yes he has
summer homework). Mom is Cancer free and dad is OK. --- I need to do

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Today was the best freaking day in my car selling career. I sold 4 cars at the same time to one person. This person owned a cleaning service and needed 2 vans and 2 cars for his business. Came in with a list and his fleet manager. He looked at the cars and said Ill take em. I verified his checks and printed up paper work and I was done. Later I did have to get his cars washed and paperwork printed and signed, but my main job was done.... now I will not complain because I an very thank full because of this sale but I wish he bought the extended warrentee.... that would have been sweet. I had lunch afterwards , hung out with the guys and then went home. NOt a bad day. SOme people were happy for me others looked angry at me .... Fuck em. Some of sales is skill and some is luck. Would I have sold somthing today if he did nt show up? Maybee... But today I got lucky. BTW $1.00 USD to the first person who posts who this person is in the comments...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Letter to the editor

PREFACE; The pleasure chest is an adult toy store that has operated in the "boystown" neighborhood for many many years. It is moving to a new place in the Lakeview area due to the high cost of rent in the old place. Many people do not want the Pleasure Chest in this new location -- a very NIMBY situation. I was kinda pissed so I wrote the editor on her very enlighting article....


Hi Thank you for the article in June 14th Metro section. Its kind of sad
and funny at the same time. Sex is such a taboo in the United States. The
mere mention of the word can cause blushing and giggles. People can deal
with full on violence in a movie (Rambo, Hostel ) but same sex kiss or a
small flash of a nipple during the Super bowl will rattle cages. The
people in the Lake View area probably think of them selves as open minded
and free thinkers, but this NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude proves
otherwise. Most were OK having the Pleasure Chest at its old location. Now
that its going up in their back yard now its time for a boycott and letter
writing? Thats pathetic. There are many shops(Lovers Lane) that sell
intimate items all over the suburbs even in gasp.... Naperville. Right in
the middle of a residential neighborhood and not too far from the local
high school. I dont see any protestors or signs in anybodys windows asking
that this store go away. Anyways I do hope the best for the Pleasure Chest
and I hope that it only brings good things for the Lakeview area. I also
hope that the people of Lake View grow up a little and relax , its only

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Who's your daddy????

Well its that time to say thanks to dad for being dad. I know some of you either don't know your dad, dad has passed or there is a divorce.... But for a brief time you had a dad or some one that was close to being a dad (even mom). My dad and I are friends now. that didnt happen until I was 25. I almost died when I was 25. I think that woke him up to how fragile life is. My Uncle was my dad. He's the one who took me to Sox games, fishing and taught me to ride me bike. In my heart hes my dad figure. My dad has since stepped up to the plate since my Uncle has died. I think hes still learning on how to be a father and grandfather at the same time......... i work long late hours. some days i dont see the boy for longer than 30 min. i feel like im becominf the "wait till your dad gets home dad". Anyways its late and i have to go to sleep. I cant wait to see what the boys gave me....

UPDATE!! -- my kids made me breakfast..... 2 sliders , a salad and melon cubes.... mmm mmm good

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I went to go see the King Tut exibit last week. It was awsome. to see the treasures that have not been seen for thousands of years and have only seen the light of day since 1922. The exhibit was last in Chicago in 1977. My Uncle and Aunt took to to go see it. We waited for 3 hours before we got in. I told a person that during this exhibit. She smiled at me and nodded. She had seen it to in 1977. The only sad part was that the Mask was not there. It was too delicate for travel. I stood face to face with the mask back then . I can still see it if I close my eyes. -- My aunt was in to some crazy pyramid power back then . I remember meditating in a pyramid back then. My hand fely like to maganets of teh same pole. kinda bouncey and I could not touch them together...... peace

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Q

Yesterday it was a COLD day in June. Very cold . I had to put the heater on in the morning when I took a shower. The day was a typical Sunday ; Yard work, house work and laundry. I needed to q . I needed to spark it up and cook. I started the coals ( I do not use gas) ans waited for them toturn white. Then it becaude a meat fest .... 1 full pork loin cut to chops, chicken legs, a steak and boback hot dogs. I also did cook up a lil extra veggies .. a large valdalia onion and mushrooms for the steak. I had to stay next to the grill for warmth. The kids watched me cook but they had to wear coats because of the wind.. Any thing for a real man Q. It will break my heart if the boys grill with gas.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The high cost of modern living...

I was cutting the grass the other day and had some time to think. (Funny
after having kids the noise of a gas powered lawnmower does not even phase
me). The house I own is about 25 years old or so and I started to think
about the late 1970's and early 80's. How easy(ier) life must have been or
at least less socially /technicaly complex. In the past 6 yrs I have put in
a new central air, furnace, fence, electrical box and other things. Were
people happieer with less? Then you had the phone , address and office
phone. Thats it. No beepers (remember those?), cell phone (s), Fax lines ,
emails(s), Nextel chirps and black berrys. I alone have 1 cell, 2 office
extensions , 2 fax lines , 6 emails (work, junk mail, home, business
((ebay)) , personel((blog)) and personal business).You even get messages
through the cable box..... I almost feel a sence of panic when I'm
disconected.Every now and then when the kids are at grama's and the house
is still I will sit in the back yard and enjoy the quiet. No ringtones ,
bells, beeps or chirps. -- I was looking at G4 electricial show and I came
to a realization... I am starting not to care about being connected. I do
not need bluetooth or the fastest computer or the biggest plasma tv. I
have always the ability to squeese the life out of an object by either
learing the object inside out. I know that I will up grade anyways. I have
become more interested in cars, tools and house stuff. the newest AC unit,
the longest lasting water softener, best socket sets and stuff like that. I
guess my focus is shifting in the longer view of things. ---- Where is my
flying car? Why am I not living living on the moon? Where are the things
promised to me as a kid?

monkey chow diaries....


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

St. Pattys ... again

I posted this pic a few days ago and went to edit the text... I guess I deleted the whole damn thing..... ANyways this is me and my knuckleheaded friends on St Pattys. I'm the one with dark hair.....

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Pray for mojo...

I owed you a monkey so here it is..... and a classic.

SICK.... blech

Well they sent me home on Wednesday because I was sick. I often work an
internet office for the company I work for. That means I answer emails and
calls from potential customers. I like helping people that way. Wednesday I
went in to work and felt like sh!t. My throat was red and raw I could
barely speak. I did hop my self up on cold medicine and hot tea. That wore
off way too quickly and left me with a massive frog in my throat. I sounded
horrible. My voice came out like squeaks and pips I had to make hand
gestures to my kids for them to understand me. I hate when my throat is
raw. It hurts to eat, drink or talk. i went through throat surgery before
when I has sleep apnia and that was a huge mess..... I hate the summer
colds. In winter the cold does not feels bad because the night comes so
early. The summer cold kills off so much of the day. ... I wish you all
health and fun for June. and I promise to post a monkey soon..