Hi Thank you for the article in June 14th Metro section. Its kind of sad
and funny at the same time. Sex is such a taboo in the United States. The
mere mention of the word can cause blushing and giggles. People can deal
with full on violence in a movie (Rambo, Hostel ) but same sex kiss or a
small flash of a nipple during the Super bowl will rattle cages. The
people in the Lake View area probably think of them selves as open minded
and free thinkers, but this NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude proves
otherwise. Most were OK having the Pleasure Chest at its old location. Now
that its going up in their back yard now its time for a boycott and letter
writing? Thats pathetic. There are many shops(Lovers Lane) that sell
intimate items all over the suburbs even in gasp.... Naperville. Right in
the middle of a residential neighborhood and not too far from the local
high school. I dont see any protestors or signs in anybodys windows asking
that this store go away. Anyways I do hope the best for the Pleasure Chest
and I hope that it only brings good things for the Lakeview area. I also
hope that the people of Lake View grow up a little and relax , its only
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