Monday, June 12, 2006

The Q

Yesterday it was a COLD day in June. Very cold . I had to put the heater on in the morning when I took a shower. The day was a typical Sunday ; Yard work, house work and laundry. I needed to q . I needed to spark it up and cook. I started the coals ( I do not use gas) ans waited for them toturn white. Then it becaude a meat fest .... 1 full pork loin cut to chops, chicken legs, a steak and boback hot dogs. I also did cook up a lil extra veggies .. a large valdalia onion and mushrooms for the steak. I had to stay next to the grill for warmth. The kids watched me cook but they had to wear coats because of the wind.. Any thing for a real man Q. It will break my heart if the boys grill with gas.

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