Friday, September 22, 2006

Soul food?

Today is my 5th day here in Ohio and I'm already tired of being here. I don't have any friends here and work is long late hours. I'm tired of going out to eat. Ive grown bored with it. The fake smile at my hostess and waitress. The chit chat to cover uncomfortable silences. The noise at the restrauants; clinking , chatting and music. I just want to eat a nice home made and possibly healthy meal. I guess you can taste the love that goes in to a meal. Today I did have a real good lunch. I co worker of mine took me to a Jamacian restrauant in the "hood". It was not a nice place outside. There were plenty of shady types about. But it was Friday and about 4pm so I know most of the guys just got out of work. I guess I would describe the neighboor hood as being close to the near south side of Chicago. I also assume the my size protects me as I was refered to by a guy walking by as "big man". I went in ant there was no place to sit. All the seats were full. I ordered Curry chicked, mac and cheese and red beans and rice. (peas and rice as they called it.) We brought it back to work and the smell was wonderful. Hot spice, and a slight smell of cinnimon and clove. It was delicious. That was a meal in which the was love. Some true soul food. I am going to another place that is all about soul food on Monday. I know they serve catfish, fried chicken, greens, mac and cheese and yes you can get red Kool Aid there by the glass...... Its not 100% of what I needed today but it was damn close. Night all.

Edna's Caribbean Kitchen
Columbus, Ohio

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