Saturday, February 10, 2007


Sales is a very noisy business. There are days like today when I talked
almost for 12 hours straight. I honed horns and started cars so people car hear the engines (like they know what to listen to). Many times when I get home after long noisy
day I enjoy to sit in front of the computer and look at art sites. No
music, no TV no kids no dogs no noise. I just soak in the quiet peace of
the house. I listen to the way the furnace kicks on. The pumping of the
sump pump and the low groan of the drier turning. A friend once described
it to me as a Captain of a ship taking a tour. Listening the way his ship
groans in the sea.

February is a busy month for us in the sales dept. People are getting their
tax money back and almost all have a need to spend it. People need cars as winter eats up their old ones up. Its
cool because I am busy with work but I'm living my life after dark. I'm living in
the humm of fluorescent tubes. All of are in Winters grip. The dark and
cold just outside of our walls trying to creep in through every uninsulated gap. In a few weeks the days will get longer and
it will be warmer outside. I always look forward to St Pattys day. It is
that day that I consider winter to be over. Its also usually a great day
for friendship. My friends

I had a chance last week to have a dinner with friends. It was good
catching up with most of them. With others it was the same old stories.
Thats ok too. I can see changes in my friends as we get older. I often
wonder what changes they see in me that I don't see my self. Have I become
the old hermit? the crazy basement guy? What I don;t do enough with out
some beer is laugh. I don't play video games. I still read comics and I
continue to read more and more books in my quiet time. I don't dream like
I used to when I was a child. I don't . I don't. I don't. .....

I need to shake off the Winter. I need to do someting positive. ..... Not
sure what but I need to do something.

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