Monday, June 25, 2007


yes yes yes zombies and Mila....

The other one...

I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll.....

I've been speaking to a friend of mine who live out of state. He's getting
married to a girl who is very young. Shes 21 and he's 27. Both young and
new to the world. I hope he knows what he's getting in to. All the girls I
knew when I was 21 were no where ready to settle down. Sure they wanted the
fantasy; the ring, the dress and the house. Many of those girls whos
wedding I attended when there were 21 are now divorced. Some have new
husbands and some don't. Most regret being so young when they tied the
knot. Being thrust in to bills, house payment , responsible for another
person and multiple people in their lives.
Granted my friend is an old man at 27. I have he feeling that she will walk
over him. He has not had any sort of steady girlfriend in the 5 yrs I've
known him. I don't think he's ready for this. Most of the guys I work with
feel this way. He's fallen for the first girl that let him in to her bed.
Thats my 2 cents. With any luck they will do ok and I will be proven
wrong. He did burn bridges with us (his friends). He left the state and
didn't tell us , but now he wants us to go to his wedding. We still might
but we are throwing a bachlor party with out him. We'll probally send him
pictures..... Eyes covered by a black bar.....

Saturday, June 23, 2007

A black and white life...

Sleep seems like a distant memory. I don't believe I dream any more. My
head hits the pillow and the next thing I remember is the alarm going off.
I used to keep logs of my dreams. Dreams in color and with plot lines, re
occurring characters. The dreams that I do have now are fragmented pieces.
Something like what you see while in a train going past a subway stop.
Quick segments that do not connect or make any sense. Its funny when I was
younger I wanted my vacation times to be this grandiose times of never
ending thrills. Today I would not mind just going to a tropical hotel and
just relaxing and sleeping. Having a shrimp cocktail and a soda and
watching TV until I pass out. I don't want to be catered to I just want the

I am having headaches every day that are starting to effect my vision. The
Dr says they are just stress headaches and not a stroke or anything like
that. I think I need to unplug and go back to writing with paper and pen.
No cell phone no computer no pda no usb no remote control no digital
photos. Going back to picking up the paper in the morning and having a cup
of coffee(Boston style) and reading it from cover to cover. Riding my bike
to work and having my brown bag lunch. -- Funny with the more and more tech
in the world I am longing for my fathers life. Something back to the
1940s-1960's. The drive in theaters and actually knowing your neighbors.
Growing your vegetable garden.

I want to say I would like to give up those things and revert to an Amish
life style but how long could I actually do it? 3 days? 1 month 1 year? do
I have the strength of heart to do a simple life? I have to say no. I
enjoy my AC and DVDs too much.

Thanks for listening to my 2 cents today.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Strippers and parties...

The other day at work I took a call at work. It was a girl that wanted to buy a car. She happened to be a stripper. The other boys in the office were falling over each other to take my appointment. Its funny I guess I've seen too strippers and been to tooo many bachlor parties. Granted I love ladies, The way the look , gentle curves , smiles and the way they smell. To me my appointment was just as any other woman coming in to buy a car. Part of me wants to see how she looks. She did not want her dad to know she was a dancer. Man its just a dirty story just building.... Any was I took my day off and pass the appointment to another. I didn't get a call so I'm expecting that she didnt come in.
I think the older I get I also look in to how a woman talks and smiles. Granted sexy is sexy but if shes not there up stairs she just becomes a set of boobs and no longer a lady.... The way this one sounded on the phone I could tell that the glass was half empty.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Now I will be the first to say that I was not a big Sopranos fan. The years
in between seasons was enought to lose my interest. I saw this on craigs
list and thought it may explain the big ending and questions left by it. I
still have to make time to catch it, but its no big deal is I don't. I
almost feel like the two guys at the end of the Truman show; "See what else
is on".

Spoilers...??? Its not like when you find out that Darth Vader is Lukes
father , it still planet earth, bruce willis is dead or Snape kills

TONY SOPRANO IS DEAD!!! read for yourself....

In fact, the ending was genius if you've paid attention to the show or are
just a fan of well developed well thought out plots that all tie together
and have the memory of a champ to remember it all the ending was simple, he
got killed, but let me tell y'all why and explain in detail... There was 4
people in the room total who had a reason to kill tony.....

The two black guys were paid before to kill Tony when his mother put a hit
out on him but he was clipped in the ear in Season One.

The trucker at the booth near Tony was the brother of a Trucker,
Christopher killed in DVD player robbery. We last saw the brother when he
went to identify his dead brother's body.

And lastly, from the earlier seasons, the Italian man who was sitting at
the counter stool, who the camera kept focusing in on, is Nikki Leotardo,
Phil Leotardos nephew. He was in one of the early season episodes where
Phil and Tony have a sit down....

Here is where the genius comes in....

When Tony walks into the Holston's, you see the camera focus on him, then
it switches to his perspective, and you see him looking @ the booth hes
gonna sit at...

Then the camera switches back to Tony's face, then it once again
switches to his perspective, and it shows him looking @ the door and
looking @ the people come in..... Everytime the door opens the chimes

Carmela walks in, Chimes.
AJ walks in, Chimes.

This all happens while Meadow is parallel parking, still trying to get
inside the restaurant....

At this point the camera switches back Nikki Leotardo who goes in the

Then it goes to a scene where Meadow finally parks and starts running into
the diner...

The door is about to open, Tony looks up...

and No Chimes...

No Music...

Everything just goes black...

In one of the early episodes of the Sopranos, Tonys is talking with Bobby
about what it must feel like to die.

Bobby says, "at the end, you probably dont hear anything, everything just
goes black!"

This idea was revisited in the second to last episode during the
last seconds of it, when Tony is about to go to sleep and he flashes back
to the memory of him and Bobby on the boat... "You probably dont hear
anything everything just goes black"

So in the end, the Journey song was playing, the chimes on the door sounded
but when Meadow came in, someone killed Tony.

This is the reason you didn't hear or see shit when he died.... it was from
his perspective... and everything went black, then the credits.

bada bing!!

good vibes
--If I was a woman I'd want one.......

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I'm trying something different today. I'm trying to take the higher path
and posting things that I enjoy. Things that I like to do or eat. Cross
your fingers sometimes I think I'm a curmudgeon and stopped liking things.

I like/love.....

My boys
Chinese food
the Fall and Winter
playing poker
home made burgers
my car
Curvy women
horror movies
buttered and salted popcorn
a good steak with mushrooms
the stars and the moon
CSI, Hero's and Battle star
flying a kite
A good beer
Homemade ice cream
a shower and shave when I am not rushed
tandoori chicken and Nan
driving late at night
the few minutes before the alarm goes off
waking with out an alarm
a good cup of coffee-double cream double sugar
the quiet
blue eyes
a smile
iced tea
a 2 dollar bill
the look a a freshly mowed lawn (every Sunday)
A good pair of jeans
smart conversation
beef stew
A real Chicago style hot dog minus the onions
fresh cut fries
watching a spider in his web
a good scifi or horror novel
the 2 seconds after you brush your teeth really well
warm underwear right out of the dryer
watching a fire
Rum drinks
previews before a movie starts
Italian beef pizza on a thin crust
the musical 7 brides for 7 brothers
talk radio
going to the movies alone
tomato slices with salt and olive oil
random calls from friends
rain storms
waving to a cop as they drive by
humming birds
finding a penny

More to follow...... and yes I was hungry when I started this list

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

This morning...

...I woke up and stared at the most beautiful section of thigh as it lay
across my lap. Kissed her on her forehead. She whispered, "good morning".
She opened her big green eyes and stared at me. We made love for another
hour. I got ready for work. She made me breakfast. She took a shower. I
watched the news (Larry Potash is about as entertaining as cutting grass
with scissors). She fixed my tie as we boarded the elevator. As we walked
toward the train, I watched the expression on her face as she slid her ring
back on and looked at me. We stood on the platform in total silence as the
train approached. Right before we stepped on the train she grabbed my hand
and squeezed as if she wanted to pull me off and go back to my place. As
before, I knew that she was on the verge tears. Her husband returns tonight
from another out of town engagement and I don't know when we'll see each
other again. As my stop approached, I discreetly grabbed her hand as my way
of letting her know that it will be o.k. As the sound of the train leaving
the station slowly disappeared, I knew that it would be the last time that
I'll would see her on these terms. Not because she hasn't been great, but
because she has been perfect. I did want to love her. I didn't mean to love
her. But I do. So...

This afternoon...

...I met her at lunch, and had to let her go.

I saw this on craigslist today. There was a thread on what you did this
morning. 99% of what people wrote in was senseless drivel- got coffee,
scratched my self and went to work late. This one seemed like a confession
that he would not be able to make anywhere else. I felt sad and excited
because it seemed like a real person was writing and not some keyboard
jockey looking for a laugh...... Peace.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Yes I'm a sci fi geek. I've way too much Star Trek and other shows showing the what is and could haves. How so many things are interconnected. Change 1 thing and you change the universe. Heros, star trek, back to the future, 7 days, dejavu , matrix and countless other. Last night I saw an episode on Family guy where he goes back in time for 1 day and winds up married to Molly Ringwald. It was funny but in that 1 day many many things across the world were change. Change one thing and you change everything ...... DJ spin that wheel.

Where does he get those wonderful toys?.....


I don't know what to say , but these pictures made me smile. I know when I look at cars I don't even see them any more they have become just something to sell. I hope this lady making these toys never forgets that some one will have a fun time because of her. Perhaps she should sign the bottom like an artist.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Last few days.....

I had a long drive this week end I have about 12 hours to think about
things, things that have been on the back burner in my mind. I went to
visit a friend who is going away for at least a year and a half. He's off
to war. This got me thinking about WW2 and how far we've gotten from those
days and how worse we are now. I looked back in to some war stories and
saw the sacrifice that all of America did then. The can, paper, rubber
drives. The buying of War bonds to support the troops over seas, victory
gardens and some back to basic giving from the heart. I look around today
and all I see is a country spoiling by its self and the media. We worry
more about Paris Hilton and her jail term than the troops. We consume
meaningless stuff... ohh look PS3 and the Apple iphone instead of saving
for our kids and country. We openly mock those troops by saying only those
dumb enough signed up for this. Where is the sacrifice from home? Where are
the rallys? No more yellow ribbons on cars, they have lost all meaning for
me. I'm going to list a few things that are floating through my head as of

- I do not support the war I support the troops. I am not a hater of
America I have just stopped supporting the government.
- I'm fine with current tech do not need the latest thing in my hands.
- I recycle
- I make time for my kids. I turn off the TV and read to them.
- I am all for major immigration controls and for walls on both borders.
- Speak English at work and at places of business. I don't care what you
speak at home.
- Get our boys and girls back home from over seas.
- I hate customer service in India
- I hate The mid East thinking the we have to change for their world.
- I hate the Chinese trade of knock off items like food and medicine with
no one accountable for anything.
- I hate North Korea rattling sabers when they want food or money.
- I hate the human flood of people form Mexico
- I love pot pies
- I enjoy fishing
- I Like real Coke
- I am finding it harder to find hero's in the real world.
- I find my self more and more angry in my waking life. I think that this
is going to consume me from the inside out.
- I have a fear of cancer and think I will have either some form of gut or
brain cancer.
- I hate Hollywood with remakes and celebutants
- I want to go camping
- I don't listen to music any more
- I'm tired and any amount of sleep does not help
- I think that people do not accept responsibility any more. Its always
some one elses fault.

Thank you for taking a minute in your life to take a peak in to mine. I
know it sounds like alot of bitching but some time you just need to clear
your head.
Mr. Crane.