Saturday, June 23, 2007

A black and white life...

Sleep seems like a distant memory. I don't believe I dream any more. My
head hits the pillow and the next thing I remember is the alarm going off.
I used to keep logs of my dreams. Dreams in color and with plot lines, re
occurring characters. The dreams that I do have now are fragmented pieces.
Something like what you see while in a train going past a subway stop.
Quick segments that do not connect or make any sense. Its funny when I was
younger I wanted my vacation times to be this grandiose times of never
ending thrills. Today I would not mind just going to a tropical hotel and
just relaxing and sleeping. Having a shrimp cocktail and a soda and
watching TV until I pass out. I don't want to be catered to I just want the

I am having headaches every day that are starting to effect my vision. The
Dr says they are just stress headaches and not a stroke or anything like
that. I think I need to unplug and go back to writing with paper and pen.
No cell phone no computer no pda no usb no remote control no digital
photos. Going back to picking up the paper in the morning and having a cup
of coffee(Boston style) and reading it from cover to cover. Riding my bike
to work and having my brown bag lunch. -- Funny with the more and more tech
in the world I am longing for my fathers life. Something back to the
1940s-1960's. The drive in theaters and actually knowing your neighbors.
Growing your vegetable garden.

I want to say I would like to give up those things and revert to an Amish
life style but how long could I actually do it? 3 days? 1 month 1 year? do
I have the strength of heart to do a simple life? I have to say no. I
enjoy my AC and DVDs too much.

Thanks for listening to my 2 cents today.

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