Monday, July 23, 2007

Sad bbq.....

All I ask is that you call..... I had set up a BBQ at my house
yesterday for the guys from my work. Several guys said sure I'll be
there. All but one pulled a no show on me. That part that kills me is
that I spent $35 worth of meat. I had to grill it all so it would not
go bad. I froze what I could. Sausages, bbqéd pork and wings. Thats a
lot of meat. I made guac from tomatoes and peppers from my garden,
sliced cukes soaked in fresh lime juice. Well at least I ate very well
last night. Fuckers could have called it would have saved me some
cash........ I would have still spent it on food just not all on meat.
I hate when customers do the same, have some balls and tell me that
you changed your mind. You do all the work and hustle then they don't
call or show or retun your messages. Its the pussifacation of the
world. No one takes responsibility for them selves. Arrg its just me
bitching. Well I'm off to frolic in a bunch of cooked meat......

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