blah blah blah... Just another year of bloated Hollywood and its sad morals
bleeding on to us. Looky Lindsy and Brittney, OH my paris... what ever. I
watch very little TV because of my work times. I tend to watch more movies
(DVDs)than go to the theater. I try again I said try to read as much as
possible. I think this shields my from the bulk of the popular poison. I'm
not 100% insulated from it. Its on the news in both text and TV. I hope I
never hear from any of these so called starlets again. Bring on a new and
better breed.
I'm sad about the writers strike this year I want to watch my hero's
and I am semi excited about the Sarah conner Chronicles. Yes I'm and always
will be a sci fi geek. I can't escape that moniker. Its part of who I am.
I'm also excited for a few movies this year -- the zombie Chronicles,
1/18/08 (cloverfield) , the new star trek and others I can think about. I
hope (as I do every year) that the next year will be brighter , more
entertaining and better in every way.
When I was a child I was promised moon bases ans flying cars. I was to
see the first Mars colony and every wonder that the space age was supposed
to deliver. I was lied to. We never went back to the moon and I know we
will not see Mars in my life time. I'm only 40 and yet I already know this
as a fact. I also expect to see many many animal species go extinct. I
expect the Rhino and others to perish before my eyes. I expect to see a
bloated and over stretched China to start re colonizing Africa. I see
revolution in Cuba and in other still third world countries. -- bleak but
Again I hope I'm dead wrong in all of these and I hope we do wind up in a
great science fiction utopia. God I hope we wind up in a Buck Rogers
future with jive talking robots, spandex body suits and hot woman dancing
to a neuvo disco. I'll even take the future containing battle star galacta.
Not the new dark one but the one that uses the same tailor as Buck Rogers.
Now thems a future that I would look for. ***Side note!!!*** Did you know
that Fred Astaires last performance was in Battle Star Galacta??
So.... Heres to 2008 and beyond.... I hope that your Special Neuvo Disco
Spandex wearing future is still out there somewhere. I already have my own
body suit ready....... Peace,Hope and Faith. Happy New Year!!!! Wear your
yellow underwear, eat your black beans, have a man come through your door
first and beat some pans to ward away deamons...... If I missed any
traditions you let me know.