Monday, March 24, 2008

20 seconds.

The thing I remember the most about it, is the sound his head made as I
hit it. The sound was a low thud as my fist made contact with his face. His
eyes blinked once then twice as I hit him again. I felt something pop. I
could not tell if it was in my hand or his face that made that sound. He
rushed me again and tripped as his pain settled in. I brought my hand down
on the back of his head. His body hit the floor and I could hear a wheeze
as the breath left it.

I could feel the fear start to build in myself then anger. I could feel it
like a poison that calls you to action. . The fight or flight effect was in
full force. I kicked him. Hard. My foot caught him across his face and
neck. Again and again I kicked him. I kicked him until my right foot hurt.

How dare he have a better life than me. How dare he have that fancy car
and money to blow. Why wasn't I born with a silver spoon in my mouth? Born
with out want or need. . I could have stopped but I'll share this secret
with you. I didn't want to. After the second kick I heard him moan. I know
I was hurting him. I know the rich don't deal with pain well. They don't
know how to use it to their advantage. I knew how to use my pain and use it
well. Anger is an energy.

"PLEASE No" he yelled in to the ground as I stood above him. I rifled
through his pants pocket. I grabbed his wallet and went throught it. I
didn't want the money or credit cards. I wanted something else. I wanted to
hurt something, some one. I wanted to break a spirit. I pulled out his
drivers license and pictures of his wife and kids. "They look nice, If you
call the police I'll have to pay a visit." Then it hit me what more could I
do to hurt him? I leaned closer to him and kissed him on the cheek. I
pulled out his cell phone and keys and dropped him in to the sewer. Alone,
helpless, hurt and frightened is the way I wanted to leave him.


I just wanted to write. The blurb above does not mean anything. This is not
fantasy nor anything that happened to me. I just wanted to put something
together that some would consider horrible. Sometimes horror is a 20 second

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