Saturday, March 08, 2008

On sleep.

Some days I think that the dreams just beat me up. I feel more tired when I wake up than when I go to sleep. I know I had a full night sleep , but my mind was going 100 miles per hour. I wake with remnants of crazy dreams that fade in the light of day. I know as soon as my head hit the pillow I started the dreaming. Maybe it is too much to dream. Maybe the dreams are just as intoxicating as brandy. I almost do better when I only get 5 hours and I fuel with coffee throughout the day.
Maybe I need a new bed. Its been a bit since we got a new mattress. I thought of the wacky space foam one. The one made for NASA. AS SEEN ON TV. I had a friend who has one that said it makes you feel almost too hot. It retains heat too well. I laid down in a sleep number bed.... Blagh. I think I want a KING size or better yer a California King size. Its 5 inches longer, and longer is always better *wink*.

I think that the quality of my sleep has suffered with the kids and dogs too. Generaly the dogs sleep on the floor every now and then they creep on to the bed after I go to sleep.  Sometimes one of the kids will wind up in bed with us as well. Most of the time I dont even notice, I'll wake up after most of them have left the bed. But I donth think that lends itself to a good deep sleep.

I know I have sleep apnia. I had a sleep study done years ago as well as the surgury to clean up my throat of excess tissues; tonsils, adnoids and uveulla. This helped greatly with my snoring, however when I am super tired or have been drinking I'll wind up snoring.

This Sunday I am losing an hour of sleep with Daylight savings time. That kinda sucks, but at least the SUn will be out longer. I'll be off kilter for a day of so..... SO with that in mind I hope you can get a decent night sleep. At least a better one than I do. Roll up in a blanket and turn off the alarm, sleep in until ou feel like it. Be lazy in the new morning. .... Peace.


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