Wednesday, April 30, 2008

the other Halloween...

The night of April 30 is the year’s other night of witches, spells and magic
There's a penetrating chill in the wind. The bright moon rises behind the shivering, nearly naked trees. A profound sense of foreboding permeates the darkness. This is the night, after all, when witches ride their broomsticks through the sky, and the natural world is forced to confront the powers of the supernatural.

No, it isn't October 31 and this is not Halloween. It's April 30 and it's Walpurgis Night.

Like Halloween, Walpurgis has its roots in ancient pagan customs, superstitions and festivals. At this time of year, the Vikings participated in a ritual that they hoped would hasten the arrival of Spring weather and ensure fertility for their crops and livestock. They would light huge bonfires in hopes of scaring away evil spirits.

But the name “Walpurgis” comes from a very different source.

In the 8th Century, a woman named Valborg (other iterations of the name include Walpurgis, Wealdburg and Valderburger) founded the Catholic convent of Heidenheim in Wurtemburg, Germany. She herself later became a nun and was known for speaking out against witchcraft and sorcery. She was canonized a saint on May 1, 779. Since the celebration of her sainthood and the old Viking festival occurred around the same time, over the years the festivals and traditions intermingled until the hybrid pagan-Catholic celebration became known as Valborgsmässoafton or Walpurgisnacht – Walpurgis Night.

The Other Halloween

Although not widely known in the US, this May-Eve night shares many of the traditions of Halloween and is, in fact, directly opposite Halloween on the calendar.

According to the ancient legends, this night was the last chance for witches and their nefarious cohorts to stir up trouble before Spring reawakened the land. They were said to congregate on Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains – a tradition that comes from Goethe's Faust. In the story, the demon Mephistopheles brings Faust to Brocken to consort with the coven of witches:

The witches t'ward the Brocken strain
When the stubble yellow, green the grain.
The rabble rushes - as 'tis meet -
To Sir Urian's lordly seat.
O'er stick and stone we come, by jinks!
The witches f..., the he-goat s...
The broomstick carries, so does the stock;
The pitchfork carries, so does the buck;
Who cannot rise on them tonight,
Remains for aye a luckless wight.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

the itsy bitsy spider.....

I had a dream of spiders last night. I was watching TV after being on line
for a bit. At some point I drifted off to sleep. The dream was intense,
very vivid in color and sound. I could see the spiders getting near the
house. Mind you the size of most of these were very large. I'm talking the
size of a dog. The worse part is that they made sound. Very typical sci-fi
movie giant spiders.
I think I was only asleep for about 15 minutes before waking up, but in
the course of the dream day had passed. I was held hostage in my own house
keeping the spiders at bay. I guess I saw the mist or 8 legged freaks one
too many times. They had some freaky large sized spiders in these movies.
The rest of the night was not so bad. My head hit the pillow and then
I woke up. I feel like I'm losing my ability to dream and thats a real
shame. I used to dream in full color and with great sounds. Great dream
mytholigies were built in my own dream scape. As I get older I feel like a
door is slowly closing on me. I'm afraid I am losing the ability to dream.
I used to keep journals of the dream creatures in my head. Places that
exist in both the dream and waking world, but now the dreams are more
I hope that your dreams are vivid and full of life. Even a scary dream
can make you feel alive.


Monday, April 28, 2008

The good net...

Its getting near the point where I don't want to turn on the news any more.
The price of this and that climes every day. Political unrest here and
here. People are even protesting the Olympics because of what China is
doing to Tibet. Again I've been heading online to become entertained; I've
keyed in a few more interests to "stumble upon" and have been clicking
away. I had to chucke because in about 2 weeks I went through over 1000
pages with about 7-8 web sites per page. All of which are related in some
way to what I like. The question remains is what have I been
liking/enjoying as of late?

Camping, Astronomy, Hunting, Card tricks, Sci-fi, Bizarre, horror movies,
comic books, Open resources, wifi, green energy, automotive repair and
maintenance; There are many more but this is inside of my main focus. At
least most of this stuff is free of negative news.

I have had more of a chance to play with my knuckle headed sons in the past
few days. They are really excited about a few movies that are coming up;
IRONMAN, The Hulk, BatMan, Indiana Jones even HellBoy. To tell you the
truth so am I. I'm excited about the Will Smith superhero movie (Hancock?).
I've seen stills for Watchmen and and very hyped about that. I just hope
they do it justice. It was so well written. I have to chucke - on the
Simpson's they had a Watchmen babies lunch box.

So yes I am escaping on to worlds both sacred and profane. The INTERNET and
movies are or rather say can be wonderful escapes to temporary places.

I hope your worlds both real and fantasy are great. Peace.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Name game.....

Whats in a name. Is not a rose by any other name smell just as sweet?


Names have always been a huge factor anywhere you go. It can determine your whole future. In the USA we are lucky/unlucky enough to have a mish mosh of names. I know that I have avoided Dr's by name alone. I wanted to deal with some one more "Western". Is this wrong? You bet it is. I know I have been passed up for things because of my first name alone. Is something we have all done at one time or another.

In Mexico the last name is traditionally what gives you your history. It would be as an example Jose Ramirez Gonzales; That would break down to Jose who's father is last names Ramirez and Moms maiden name Gonzales. If you had only one last name you would have had a history of a bastard child. In older movies you laugh because you can follow a persons history for 10 names or so.
The Irish have a similar history in their names as well. Names like O' Patrick would be son of Patrick while Fitzpatrick would be bastard son of Patrick. Some names are more straight forward; Miller , carpenter, mason etc. My own sons name will be a mish mosh of names. Western and Irish first names with a very common Mexican last name. 

The US has a host of names that can be a little odd as well. Aferican american names cane confusing. Striving to make their babys name unique parents sometimes give names that do not follow any rules to spelling or phonics. This again can make people skip a person by name alone.  Names can open doors or be anchors as well. 



Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I walked outside with out a jacket today. I had my cup of coffee and
just had to breath and start the day. I felt the Sun on my skin as the temp
started to rise. I closed my eyes and tried to soak it all in.
Work was work. Same things with different people. The kicker was that
the Sun was out. No heat , lots of wind , but the Sun was out. Between
office visits and taking care of customers I walked outside and stood in
the wind and sunshine. This is what I had needed for months. I want to get
outside and go camping with the kids. I was to set up a site and grill and
go fishing. Maybe if the weather allows I'll drop a hook in the pond. It's
fun just to watch the day go by this way.
I'll keep it short today, I want to get back outside. I hope you had a
chance to open the windows of your car or house and just let a little of
the outside in.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The pope the pope the pope is on fire.

The Pope is coming to NY and I don't have any feeling about it. People are flocking from across the country and I'm only going to guess from Mexico and Canada as well to see him. Even when I was a practicing catholic I was not impressed in the Papalcy. They seemed like magic wizards living in ivory towers and out of touch with the common man. Giving their edicts on morality and Christs teaching. This from men who have not been with a woman in how many years??
This is not Christian bashing. Please understand that since high school I have been very close to the Lutheran church. The pastors within the church can marry and are encouraged to do so. They can then teach by doing. They can relate their family experience to their congregation. Some even have woman as pastors. I have no problem with that. There is no reason that a woman could not pass along the word of God.
When I was younger - much younger I thought about becoming a priest. Giving myself 100% in to the word of God. I love the message that all can be forgivin. I just grew tired of the idea that the church can never be wrong. That it was infallable. Everything has its flaws; from diamonds to translations of the word of God. There is a line of scripture that breaks it down for me, forgive me if I butcher it... Go in to your closet and pray to god. No magic show and no big displays that alot of people need. Just you and God and prayers and answers.

   All organized Religions have placed women in 2nd place. Somthing wrong about that. I have always tried to keep women on a pedistal. Mom, sister, girlfriends, lovers and wife. All have been important in my life.  The Jews recognize  Lillith as Adams first wife. She left him because she had wanted sex on top. ie. She wanted to be at least equal to Adam. So off she went bearing demon off spring. She is what is a classic night hag.

Alyways Im way off track here . My mind wanders with out my coffee.  I hope if you are Cathloic you can enjoy the Popes visit. If not at least enjoy the rest of the week.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Kill it with fire.....

It feels like winter again. I'm having a hard time going to sleep at night
and its catching up with me at work. If I'm not busy I tend to want to take
a nap. It is getting harder to shake that feeling. It almost feels like
winter depression again. I think if I eat better and earlier I can avoid
My weight loss has stagnated. My job does not go well with a weight
loss program. I eat breakfast with the kids. I eat lunch when ever there is
down time; lets say between 2 and 6. Dinner is always near 8 to 11 pm.
Maybe if I pack several smaller sandwiches and snacks. Grazing through out
the day? Perhaps. I have not gained any weight past my starting weight but
I have not lost any. That too feels like a weight for depression. My
friend is doing great and is looking good. I just hope he does not yo yo
and get big again. We would never hear the end of it.. How god just wants
him fat.
Right now I'm dealing with yard work. I like doing that. It gets me
moving and I always fell like I have done something right when I'm done. I
have dumped about 12 lbs of seed in the back and now I just need to
fertilize. I have a skunk(s) That have dug their way under my small porch.
I can smell them when I'm in the basement. I saw the hole the dug in the
moist earth. Now I need to kill them. Poison? Sharp sticks? Gasoline? Small
pistol? Bricks? Scott Peterson? The INTERNET suggests Cayenne and black
pepper. I want a more permanent approach. However I think this may put me
at odds with the law. I know I cant trap them with out a license. I pretty
sure that killing them in a violent way involving fire is out of the
question as well......
Somehow I see myself taking a tomato juice bath outside on my deck
before this week is over. I can just picture it now. Man vs Nature and me
on the side. A quick spray and I'm calling in to work.....
OK goodnight everyone. Thanks for listening.

Pax Americana.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Death and taxes....

It never fails it comes around year after year, Taxes. You have to get
all the numbers , socials, papers that are sent out once and you hope you
didn't toss away. Put them together and send them off. People look forward
to getting back a refund. I rather not. I would rather not get back
anything and know that I set up my taxes correctly. People forget that the
refund is money that is your that you gave too much money to the IRS. That
is money that could have been in your pocket to begin with not a bonus that
you get to spend willy nilly.

I got some money back from the government but I owe the state
$21.00. I have no clue how that works, but I always owe about 20-25 to the
state every year. Its not like I'm going to spend my refund for something
fun this year. That goes to pay the taxes on the house. Arrrrg ..... If you
live in Illinois the state tax went up .5% on sales tax. As a company I
figured we are going to pay 1.9 million dollars to the state for this. That
sound like a load of mismanagement. ....

It never fails that I pay for things that I never use. This tax hike is for
the RTA and CTA. I have taken the "L" maybe 5 times in my life. I always
have said if you want to play you have to pay. Raise the ticket prices and
be done with or simply shut it down. Privatize it and let some one outside
the city manage it. I guess we also pay for prisons and other things we
don't even see. Again I doing mind paying for thing sI use; the schools,
the roads, the library but the CTA and RTA... I think its BS. Hell if I'm
paying for the prisons let me draw in a lottery and kill a death row

I always wonder if renting would not be easier. I didn't mind the apt where
I lived , but again it was not mine. Its a loving burden to own a house.
I often walk around the house after everyone is asleep and take note on the
house. Its like a captain of a ship doing a walk around. Its necessary for
the upkeep and to take a mental inventory of the house and whats inside.
It keeps me in check of what clean up or fix-it project is next on the
never ending list of to - do's. Anyways, good to chat with and as always
its good to vent.


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

One Good day...

Its starting to feel like spring and I am behind the 8 ball in getting the
yard in working order. I'm taking measurements on how much sod I'm going to
need to cover the muddy spots in the yard. I'm also seeing how much seed I
need to dump in to the yard to cover dog damage from the winter. It never
really ends does it. The truth is that I kinda like to work the yard...

The economy is starting to effect work. We have lots of people that are
coming in to sell their trucks and suv's. The cost of gas is crushing
people that most need it. I feel like the economy is in a free fall and all
I can do is watch. Gas, food, beer, everything is going up at a rate that I
feel that is getting out of control. I know I'm not the only one there are
many people if not the whole nation that look at the news every day and
hopes for one good day.

My friend is in a lonely spot in his life. He and his wife were set to
adopt a newborn. Everything was set , the date the pick up , the baby's
room. The due date came and went, the agency called and told her that they
had no clue where the new mom was. They were evicted from their house. It
turns out the the mother changed her mind and decided to keep the baby.
Heartbreaking. I hope that the child is loved at least as much as my
friends would have loved him. I know that they will wind up with a child...
I hope thet are ready for it. I often offer to send them mine for a week to
see how they would be.

Pax Americana.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008