Thursday, April 10, 2008

Death and taxes....

It never fails it comes around year after year, Taxes. You have to get
all the numbers , socials, papers that are sent out once and you hope you
didn't toss away. Put them together and send them off. People look forward
to getting back a refund. I rather not. I would rather not get back
anything and know that I set up my taxes correctly. People forget that the
refund is money that is your that you gave too much money to the IRS. That
is money that could have been in your pocket to begin with not a bonus that
you get to spend willy nilly.

I got some money back from the government but I owe the state
$21.00. I have no clue how that works, but I always owe about 20-25 to the
state every year. Its not like I'm going to spend my refund for something
fun this year. That goes to pay the taxes on the house. Arrrrg ..... If you
live in Illinois the state tax went up .5% on sales tax. As a company I
figured we are going to pay 1.9 million dollars to the state for this. That
sound like a load of mismanagement. ....

It never fails that I pay for things that I never use. This tax hike is for
the RTA and CTA. I have taken the "L" maybe 5 times in my life. I always
have said if you want to play you have to pay. Raise the ticket prices and
be done with or simply shut it down. Privatize it and let some one outside
the city manage it. I guess we also pay for prisons and other things we
don't even see. Again I doing mind paying for thing sI use; the schools,
the roads, the library but the CTA and RTA... I think its BS. Hell if I'm
paying for the prisons let me draw in a lottery and kill a death row

I always wonder if renting would not be easier. I didn't mind the apt where
I lived , but again it was not mine. Its a loving burden to own a house.
I often walk around the house after everyone is asleep and take note on the
house. Its like a captain of a ship doing a walk around. Its necessary for
the upkeep and to take a mental inventory of the house and whats inside.
It keeps me in check of what clean up or fix-it project is next on the
never ending list of to - do's. Anyways, good to chat with and as always
its good to vent.


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