Saturday, April 12, 2008

Kill it with fire.....

It feels like winter again. I'm having a hard time going to sleep at night
and its catching up with me at work. If I'm not busy I tend to want to take
a nap. It is getting harder to shake that feeling. It almost feels like
winter depression again. I think if I eat better and earlier I can avoid
My weight loss has stagnated. My job does not go well with a weight
loss program. I eat breakfast with the kids. I eat lunch when ever there is
down time; lets say between 2 and 6. Dinner is always near 8 to 11 pm.
Maybe if I pack several smaller sandwiches and snacks. Grazing through out
the day? Perhaps. I have not gained any weight past my starting weight but
I have not lost any. That too feels like a weight for depression. My
friend is doing great and is looking good. I just hope he does not yo yo
and get big again. We would never hear the end of it.. How god just wants
him fat.
Right now I'm dealing with yard work. I like doing that. It gets me
moving and I always fell like I have done something right when I'm done. I
have dumped about 12 lbs of seed in the back and now I just need to
fertilize. I have a skunk(s) That have dug their way under my small porch.
I can smell them when I'm in the basement. I saw the hole the dug in the
moist earth. Now I need to kill them. Poison? Sharp sticks? Gasoline? Small
pistol? Bricks? Scott Peterson? The INTERNET suggests Cayenne and black
pepper. I want a more permanent approach. However I think this may put me
at odds with the law. I know I cant trap them with out a license. I pretty
sure that killing them in a violent way involving fire is out of the
question as well......
Somehow I see myself taking a tomato juice bath outside on my deck
before this week is over. I can just picture it now. Man vs Nature and me
on the side. A quick spray and I'm calling in to work.....
OK goodnight everyone. Thanks for listening.

Pax Americana.

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