Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Well its here....Christmas. Most of the month I hate it. The raw retail
push, the greed factor starting in November. The "Black Friday" mentality
that killed a person at a wall mart just makes me cringe. Its in the last
few days that I really enjoy, watching my kids get all ramped up for the
big day. Making cookies for the Claus, tree is lit, stockings are hung, and
toys put away..... These are good times, they still believe. They still
hear the Silver Bells.
I don't know when I lost my innocence with Christmas. When I knew mom
and dad planted the gifts. I did always hope that one present was from the
Claus. Just one small box brought for me and me alone. I believe through my
kids now and thats what is important. watching them glow with anticipation
of Santa.
So with this little blog post I wanted to say keep your kids alive
inside of you. Keep listening for that silver bell to ring no matter how
small..... Merry Christmas to all and yes even a happy Kwanzaa (what ever
the hell that is).

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