Saturday, December 20, 2008

snap crackle pop...

The cold has been in my bones. My hands , back and knees are killing me.
Ha, I'm getting old from the inside out. A few weeks ago my left knee hurt
and was sore for 2 days. The following day O woke up and my knee was no
longer sore, but it now clicks when I walk down stairs....How long before
it goes out on me? Every step it sounds like some one snapping their
fingers. Snap, snap snap.... I spent the night shoveling yesterday. The
drive, walk, neighbors drive and walk.... Now im beat and sore. I'm working
now but fantisizing of a hot lavanar bath when I get home...... these are
not normal man fantisies. They shoule be of young women in various states
of undress taking care of me. Thats what my fantisies should be full of ,
not time alone in a hot shower or bath.... The heart wants what it wants.
***the truth is that i am scared of my knee now and I pray that I do not
need a replacement down the line.

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