Thursday, April 01, 2010

Lost Dreams

     I've been having strange dreams in the last few nights. Dreams of old girlfriends. Dreams that they have been beaten by husbands and boyfriends and are telling me this. Dreams of having dinner with them in old watertowers that have been converted to restrauants in Chicago. Dreams of burgundy bras and massages. Dreams of horses on city streets. Dreams of people watching me through camers and reviewing the pics on iphones. I normally do not dream or rather I have lost my dream patterns that I used to have. When I was younger I would dream and log it all down . Now the remembered dreams are few and far between. Maybe its because I awake so yearly and it breaks up the normal cycle or maybe because I'm just getting old.
   Its rare - I mean super rare that I have a sex dream, but those have been creeping up on my as well. They weird part is that its sex with girls that I do not know at all. White girls maybe latina  that are ... petite, I'd say 5'5 and 120-130 lbs.  Dark hair that is straight and shoulder length.  I do not know any one like that in my life right now. I'm just blaming those dreams in the Spring rut....

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