Wednesday, November 17, 2004

confusing day

I had a wonderful day today - lets just say at work everything lined up for some great things to come. I was asked to go to another state to train for 2 weeks. To day I also learned that a dear friends mother had passed on. She was ill from cancer and it all finally turned. I will go to the wake on friday. Its hard to thing that this is probally the start when I will do this for more of my friends parents to come. My own Uncle passed about 5 years ago that was hard on me , he was in essence my dad. Taught me good from evil. (I knew what side of the force I was on from the start!!) He always let me make my own choices in life. I miss him. Sometimes I pull his urn down and just talk with him. Well thats about that.
Peace -- go SOX .... If you laughed you understood. *wink*

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