Saturday, November 13, 2004

Evil, me?

Now I have had this conversation about being evil with my friends latey. There are very different forms of evil in the universe. From Adolf Hitler and Stalan to the evil in a smile. Now I know I have a dark side. When I drink I can be a real evil son of a bitch. But I think the real "evil " that lays inside me is the evil of tempation. I often joke that women have only have been with me freely and of there own will. -- A side quote from most vampire movies/books. I have never forced anyone to do anything that they did not want to do. Did I push without pushing. Perhaps. I just was reminded that I asked my friend's Aunt a Jade that I suggested a tatoo to her to get and she got it. - I dont remember that. I know that I often am portrayed as the bad boy. Not I - I just show to people (women) what fun they can have with me. Was the snake truly evil or did he offer choices? That all I ever do I lay out all the options for the evening-- DO you want to do work or have a beer with me. I know I do have a devils smile and have used it , but its like having legs and running its part of you. The brighest light casts the darkest shadow. - *devil smile*

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